Okay, Thanks guys!!! Really appreciate all your help! We're staying away from bucks. Hope i didn't stress non of ya'll out by persistently asking the same questions. (It still sounds slightly silly tbh.) But we're gonna play it safe. @Goat Whisperer, thats awesome! Sounds like your right around...
yeah................. i do understand, I kept getting the same answers but kept asking, because i just thought there's got to be more than just the goat owners i know who keep their buck with their doe... The only people i know with goats, keep bucks and does. And then nobody on here does that...
Wow. So is this apron thing, a new thing? I was on TheGoatSpot and found out about aprons, and now i came back and it's on here now :O
(Actually, i found the same bacchus person!)
Oh, Goat Whisperer, i here lots of people use them on mature bucks, and if it's kept on, it works great at blocking...
Hey! I was wondering about your opinions about the stress a doe gets when she's kept with a buck. If we got a doe and a buck, we'd put an apron on him to block breeding, but if he mounted, he'd still stress her out.. I'm just wondering how severe this stress would be, If the doe had horns, and...
hmm, Wow, Thanks everyone! Much appreciated feedback!
Just wondering, has anyone ever tried like a diaper like thing to block the doe's rear from the buck, after she's kidded, until she's ready to breed again? maybe something designed to where poo can pass threw, but thats it?:sick:lol::sick
I keep reading "If the doe can smell the buck, they milk will taste goatie" and then "I keep bucks and does together, the milk tastes sweet, no problems here!", "It only matters where you milk them, if you milk them away from the bucks, the milk will be fine!", "I have to disagree, if the doe...
Hey guys! Sorry i haven't been on in a while, my summer has been slightly hectic.
I was wondering if ya'll got any suggestions on something i'm considering..
So, as ya'll know, we have two wethers, And, we're going to get a nigerian dwarf doe we can milk. The plan was, wait. find the right one...
Wow! Congratulations on the new goats! You might want to be careful, since they've been used to being treated inproperly, But, Find out what treats they like most, Try anything from Cheerios, fruit loops, apple sliced (seedless), Or just a handfull of sweetfeed. Grover's favorite is Apples...
I feel bad for taking this thread a whole different direction... here, maybe this will put it back on track...
umm, What is your favorite hay? Do you mix it with other hay?
Nice way of putting that, thank you, I'll try that, or something like, "I love helping out local farms, Hey, maybe if you gave me some tips for horse shoes, i could save ya'll some time and come and cut your miniature horse's shoes?"
:eek:........well this'll shut me up. If i'd known how tense this subject was i'd never said a word. I did come here so not to get the owner in trouble before i got advise............ guess in a way, that was advice.......
I don't understand. One minuet if you see an animal who may be...
yikes....:eek: i had no idea asking for advice on this subject was so tense.... i'll ask if they need any help.....
by the way, i didn't mean i wouldn't stay out of it as in, i would contact AC, and freaking sue them, i meant, i wanted to get involved with the horse, try and go over there...
Hey, Anyone have any tips on keeping goats safe? Just read a thread about someone catching this person trying to steal an animal. That reality hit hard. I hate the idea that we have a world where this isn't something that should shock me. We have a very safe town and a kinda hidden neighborhood...
Thank you CntryBoy777! I've come to find out Poke berry Poke salad and Poke weed are all the same thing. What worried me was that i read it was absolutely fine, no bad comments on the plant being given to the goats, and then when i actually gave it to them and checked again, all i saw was "DON'T...
Thank you for all your help and support!!!
It has been much longer than a few hours since they first had it, and i think they're gonna be fine.
I ended up finding a few sites with a bunch of people saying "The only time i've ever had problems with the plant is during the fall, other seasons, my...
Hey, i'm not sure what you already now, so i'll just give some tips.
I recommend a pet goat being the Pygmy goat. You should get a buckling, and get it fixed to become a wether. Also, you should NEVER get one goat, you need two or more. I know with other animals sometimes a social animal does ok...