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True BYH Addict
Aug 8, 2015
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I thought that you could buy an apron device that would help reduce breeding successes.

But I have heard that it doesn't always work.

That is actually why I have my bucklings in with my does right now. I ordered some anti-mating aprons from House of Bacchus Pet Supplies, because at that time we didn't have any way of separating our maturing bucklings from our other goats. Now we do have a fenced area where we could separate them, but it is nice having everyone together. And when I see our buck Benji mounting his little doeling friend, with the apron on he can't "reach".

I haven't had it long enough to see if it truly works, but so far I am pleased with it.


Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
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North Carolina
I think it would be okay on young bucks, but no way would I trust it on a mature buck. I would still be worried when running a buck in with young does.

And a buck could still harass the doe :confused:
Nigies go into heat every three weeks. So will the buck be harassing her for three days, every three weeks. I'm not talking about young bucks, I'm talking about mature animals.

I would also be worried that the buck could get tangled or caught up in it. I can't leave collars on my bucks for when I did, they nearly killed themselves.

Eliya Sage

Chillin' with the herd
Jun 18, 2017
Reaction score
North Carolina
Hey! I was wondering about your opinions about the stress a doe gets when she's kept with a buck. If we got a doe and a buck, we'd put an apron on him to block breeding, but if he mounted, he'd still stress her out.. I'm just wondering how severe this stress would be, If the doe had horns, and was a tad larger than a pygmy polled buck? If she was larger, And had horns, she could protect herself when she wasn't in the mood. right?
-Thanks for your opinions!

Eliya Sage

Chillin' with the herd
Jun 18, 2017
Reaction score
North Carolina
Wow. So is this apron thing, a new thing? I was on TheGoatSpot and found out about aprons, and now i came back and it's on here now :O
(Actually, i found the same bacchus person!)
Oh, Goat Whisperer, i here lots of people use them on mature bucks, and if it's kept on, it works great at blocking the buck. Some people have trouble about it becoming unclipped, but i'm sure you could do lots of different things to make it harder for it to unbuckle. And http://www.houseofbacchuspetsupplies.com/anti-mating-aprons-s/118.htm, has simple aprons, it'd be very difficult for them to get strangled with these. at most, maybe he'd het caught on something. But you shouldn't put an apron on him if the buck is going out of screaming distance. He'd let you know if he got stuck! Even if you where out somewhere, he would either have broken the apron by the time you got home, or he'd be bleating. I don't think this should be used when they're going out of "bleating distance", but if they stay relatively close, you should have no problems :)
(from what i've heard from people.)
~Let me say: I have never used the apron myself. I am merely quoting what others have said.

Also, they say it nearly never comes off, accidentally, if the buck is normal shape. They said only 2 out of 30 goats got out of it, and it was because they where really thin and weirdly shaped. Mature bucks with the "full stomach look", shouldn't have any problems :)
And maybe it is best to keep the clip the way it is. if the buck got caught on something, he could probably break out, if using enough force.
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Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
You do not need to keep a buck and a doe together full time apron or not
She comes into heat he is going to chase her and try to breed her
He is going to chase off any other goats including babies
It is not only going to stress her but it is going to stress him as well
You are consistently getting the same answer on multiple forums.
It's not a good idea, but do what you want.

Maybe you should start with two does from a breeder who will later on let you use a buck for breeding.
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Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Hey! I was wondering about your opinions about the stress a doe gets when she's kept with a buck. If we got a doe and a buck, we'd put an apron on him to block breeding, but if he mounted, he'd still stress her out.. I'm just wondering how severe this stress would be, If the doe had horns, and was a tad larger than a pygmy polled buck? If she was larger, And had horns, she could protect herself when she wasn't in the mood. right?
-Thanks for your opinions!

A buck really needs to be in a very well fenced pen or pasture.

The doe would be too easily hurt when pregnant to be kept with the buck.

Also, once the kids arrive, they would need to be separated so the kids stay safe.

And, even though some people say it isn't noticeable... other people say that if the buck is close to the milking does that the milk tastes just aweful.

Lots of reasons that everything would be more peaceful if you kept them separate.

Or.... you could just have two does, and pay for a "date" with a buck whenever needed. So much easier IMO. (I do not own a buck)

Eliya Sage

Chillin' with the herd
Jun 18, 2017
Reaction score
North Carolina
yeah................. i do understand, I kept getting the same answers but kept asking, because i just thought there's got to be more than just the goat owners i know who keep their buck with their doe... The only people i know with goats, keep bucks and does. And then nobody on here does that. Probably because the people i know, aren't raising 200 goats.. they just read how to take care of them, and made sure they got everything set up, and bought some. I guess the idea that a male and a female couldn't be kept together had never crossed their minds. It does seem silly, yet everyone has a million reasons why you shouldn't. I keep thinking "Is this seriously a problem? they live in herds of bucks and does in the wild, and if does would get hurt that often, then God wouldn't have made them herd animals.." then i think "But maybe it's just a problem when in captivity because their monitored, and we know when they're hurt.." and then "But.. Still. God made them to live side by side.." I don't know. There are a million reasons why it'd be fine, and then a million reasons why you should never do it. I don't know. I wish it was clearer. Yet it seems when it comes to goats, Everyone has an opinion and that opinion is split in half. You either go safe with one side, or jump into something because half the people say it's totally safe. This seems like the case with everything.
Aprons work, No they don't.
You can keep bucks with does! OF COURSE YOU CAN'T!
You can feed them this! NO THATS POISONOUS!
Dehorning goats is perfectly fine! NO IT'S ANIMAL ABUSE!!!

...Kinda like everything else.
You should vote for bla bla bla, NO OML, VOTE FOR THEM!
You should eat bread! NO, IT'S BAD FOR YOU!
Everybody's got what they think is best......The hard part is picking which you think is right.... Do i go safe, and get a doe? Keep her with my weathers, and find someone who'll breed their buck to the doe, when needed, or do i get a buck, say heck to what i've heard, and go basic... I could also offer stud service... help pay for goat fees... there isn't really one near me that offers stud service.. I know one guy, where i got my pygmies, he kept his bucks with the does.. but didn't offer stud service, to my knowledge, but we lost contact when my dad broke his phone and lost his contact info.. (If your a dude and sold two pygmy weathers, off craigslist, was late for work for us, and sold them to a teenager, in the NC area, PM me, If you recognize the goats in the picture.) I was really bummed because he was the one who told us if we're starting off, we should start with weathers. And he weathered them right in front of us to show us what to do,Free of charge, and he even offered to show us how to give them vaccinations when it came around.. for free......... I was really upset. it'd really help to have someone in my area. Or if we needed to go on vacation, we could've paid him to watch them, and feel good about their safety.. He had lots of goats.. AND OSTRICHES. When we paid him for the goats, he was like, "Yeah, and tell me if you wanna buy an ostrich" we laughed and then looked at him and realized he wasn't kidding. He had tons of land and i can't help but wonder what else he had..

-I think we're gonna get a ND, find one already freshened or about to give birth. That way we can milk her almost right away, and have time to find a buck near us... The other person we know has two Nubian Boers, a buck and a doe, along with their kids. I wonder how you ask someone if you can set up a date with their goat???
-Please someone help me find a way to ask this, where it won't be awkward. I'm a teenager and not exactly what you'd expect me to ask. It'd suck if it was too awkward, and we had to stop going there. He sells sweedfeed for $12 where the last place sold it for $17..
Maybe in a few years, we'll get a buckling off craiglist, raise him, and see how he does with our future doe. if not, we can sell him.... (We'll be used to sellings kids by then. We're not going to keep the kids our doe has.).............If he doesn't do well with our goats, we won't have much a choice.
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Green Acres Farm

True BYH Addict
Jul 2, 2016
Reaction score
-I think we're gonna get a ND, find one already freshened or about to give birth. That way we can milk her almost right away, and have time to find a buck near us... The other person we know has two Nubian Boers, a buck and a doe, along with their kids. I wonder how you ask someone if you can set up a date with their goat???
Do NOT breed a standard sized goat to a miniature. That is too dangerous on the doe. Some people offer stud service if you run certain biosecurity tests, not that that's without risks...

A local veterinarian may be able to come out to your place and help you with drawing blood for testing, vaccinations, answering questions, etc. That's always helpful.


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
they live in herds of bucks and does in the wild
In the wild the goats have space.

They all have space.

Space cures most ills.

In a captive environment there are lots of spots where one animal can get cornered or pinned down. That is where most problems occur.