They are probably just chunky then especially if you allow them to drink as much as they want, if they had been with mom, she would determine how long they would have to nurse at a time, and with having a bunch of squirmy things fighting underneath myself, I personally wouldn't stay for very...
Have you found a buck to breed her or both of them yet? You may want to also think about when you want the baby born, for example I have a pair of breeding show angora goats and they should have bred sometime between August 31 and the last day of September, however after someone in the school...
How much are you feeding them? Possibly try rubbing their bums to stimulate them as they should be pooping as well. You can also rub their bellies to help pass things along and get them to digest a little easier. What are you feeding them as well?
I have to agree with mr @greybeard break it open look for wetness, and if needed take a handful from the middle of it and smell it, if it's smells like hay it's fine
The sooner you can get them in the better is all I have to say. I have seen disbuddin done where the horns are already several inches long before but is still done with no more problems to the goat than "normal" disbudding
I'll myself prefer rabbits as they rarely just so easy, but I love brahmas, am currently showing a heifer who is getting ai'd this week, and I am also showing a breeding pair of angoras goats and am expecting a kid between February and April. Mom is a proven placer and the buck is better than...
Or you can use horse pellet bedding, it comes in a large sack and you fill the sack up with water and let the pellets expand, then spread around. We u se this all the time at show, it has no smell even after 4 days with 4 heiders peeing on it, it's easy to scoop poop out of, and it keeps the...
My angoras have horns, but have never rammed me or anything else, and compared to the Boers, pygmies and some milkers I've come across, they are definitely the quietest I've ever come across.
Just make sure to follow the instructions. It can also be used to spray in pens, stalls, and in the house. I use it quite often to control lice on my angoras, the flies in my heifers pen, and fleas at the house.
There are just some people in the world like that, and it's people like us that these types of animals rely on, I rescued three bantams here a while back, they were all kept in a severely cramped cage with several other birds. All three were under weight, my rooster had been so badly pecked, his...
Thank you, I actually got her to follow me the other day without a halter, and I was SO proud of her lol I have only had since April where she was around 500lbs, she is now 930lbs as of last Monday, and is adorable lol