@Southern by choice: That's good to know about the hotwire, we may have to do that until we can hard fence it in. I just don't know if even a machete could get through these woods. :lol: I'm sure the goats will manage to, though.
@goatgirl: We aren't fencing off our house, that's already done...
I found our piglets by googling around for small scale pig farms, and then contacting them. Although on their website they didn't list them (or their other animals) for sale, when I called she said that she regularly sells them but that it isn't her primary business so it isn't listed. Perhaps...
:welcome Mini cows and mini goats are always a possibility!
@Baymule : That's an understatement. :lol:
Pictures are the best! I think that's what most live for on here. :D
@Baymule: Thanks! The grass in most areas is pretty thick given the extremely sandy soil we have. I'll get a close up of it later at some point. There are a few spots, particularly under trees and in the forested area that there is no grass, but I'm sure we can get that growing in a few years...
Alright, we finally got our new property mowed down so that we could traverse out into the field! The grass and weeds were previously taller than I was in the spots that weren't wooded (which turned out to be about 3 of the 5 acres).
Here are a few pictures of the new field.
Our house...
@Southern by choice: If anyone birthed 11 boys in the span of less than two days, I'd think they'd need it served on a gold platter, not silver! :lol: I'm glad she's doing better and that her numbers are improving. :)
I just logged back on and it seems things are going better now. I hope Callie continues to improve and that you can get some sleep soon! :hugs Callie is lucky to have you! I've been on the same page with your vet, most people who have LGD's or even just regular farm dogs don't take particularly...
@Southern by choice: That's good to know, we'll keep them on the bottle then. :D
@SA Farm: I love them too! So lanky and cute when they bounce around on those long legs. :love
@Hens and Roos: I've bottle fed kids before, so I know what you mean. We'll be feeding them together for a while. :lol:
@Southern by choice: The breeder we're getting them from weans at 8-10, I didn't know Nubians are supposed to stay on the bottle until 12 weeks. Is there a specific reason? :)
Thanks everyone! The wait will definitely be hard, but we have a lot of things to accomplish in the next few weeks (painting the house, repairing the fence, getting the hay, grain, etc, settling in the guard llama, and everything else), so it will probably fly by! The breeder is going to wean...
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right area, but I'm super excited because we got a message yesterday from our goat breeder, and she had four doelings on the ground for us to check out! :weee
So, when we went over to evaluate if they were good quality kids and out of good mothers, we got...
@Southern by choice: Sorry, been busy painting our house! The odds of 11 being boys is about 0.049% (0.5^11). The lottery is definitely looking favorable now. :lol:
Sorry to hear you lost the last one. :(
The rest are adorable, and I'm sure that Callie is doing well now that all of those boys...
Just caught up, and I'm glad she's doing better! Keep up the awesome work Callie! :D
As far as the odds go, the chance of having 9 boys is about 0.2% (0.5^9). I think you'd have better luck hitting the lottery. :lol:
I forgot to mention, I've been looking for old tires too! None to be found within 2 hours of me. :(
I'll see about benches, there's bound to be some old wooden ones around here somewhere... (I hope!)
So, I've been looking for "fun" things for the goat kids, but I'm at a loss as to what to get them. I've heard that old wooden cable reels make fun things to jump on, but I've searched Craigslist multiple times and haven't found any for resale.
Are there any other good sources of toys for...
mysunwolf: Thank you so much for that article, it cleared up a lot of things for me. It seems that if there is enough time provided in between using each small pasture, it can work out well and the pasture will be able to support goat/sheep type grazing in just a few weeks.
Bossroo: To be...
Mysunwolf: Thank you for the article, I'll definitely read over that! I wasn't considering putting them in with the goats, but rather, following behind them by one pasture. If that isn't clear, let me know and I'll try to rephrase that. I'm sure I'll have more questions later after I read the...
We are getting Berkshires. Not officially purebred because of the weird requirements about having to come from European stock, but they look it and supposedly act it according to the farm we're getting them from. :hide Sorry for not having a better answer than that, here are some pictures of the...
Goat heaven, maybe, but the fence was downed in at least one spot in the back of the property by falling timber, so we definitely have to get out there and restring it before we can set them loose. And since we can't get out there until the pasture is cleared... :hu And we may get a Jersey cow...
Sorry, I think I misworded what I was asking. :hide
I'm not concerned about the housing part as much as I am about whether or not to confine them to a small pen, or graze them rotationally when we get that set up, or if we should just let them graze on the pasture even without the rotation...