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  1. ButtonHerder

    So yes, I know who you are

    So yes, I know who you are
  2. ButtonHerder

    Your avatar sheep is cute! Not sure if it's yours, but cute!

    Your avatar sheep is cute! Not sure if it's yours, but cute!
  3. ButtonHerder

    Hello! Sorry it took so long to respond, have mostly just been BYCing lately. And yes, I think...

    Hello! Sorry it took so long to respond, have mostly just been BYCing lately. And yes, I think so, miniatures are better than belgians?
  4. ButtonHerder

    Chicago urban farmer

    Hi! Welcome from Alberta. Make yourself at home! :welcome
  5. ButtonHerder

    I am glad to have found you!!!

    Hi, nice having you! :welcome
  6. ButtonHerder

    Rooster in need of help

    You should maybe consider trying on there's probably more chicken people there :)
  7. ButtonHerder

    Can You Nominate Someone For An Award On BYH?

    Because I like nominating people, and know who I want to nominate if there is such a thing
  8. ButtonHerder

    Can You Nominate Someone For An Award On BYH?

    I've been on BYC for a while, and know that you can nominate people for being great members. (I do it a lot, it's fun) I was wondering if you can do that here? If so could someone please tell me how? Thanks!
  9. ButtonHerder

    Coffee anyone ?

    Good morning everyone! I haven't participated in this thread, but I wanted to say merry Christmas! :weee🎄
  10. ButtonHerder

    Sunflower Seeds to Horses?

    Thanks guys. No she isn't, so I'd just give em whole
  11. ButtonHerder

    I actually joined because they said they were 😅

    I actually joined because they said they were 😅
  12. ButtonHerder

    New around here.

    Yeah me too, I kind of like both so I'm good with them
  13. ButtonHerder

    New around here.

    Hello! I would welcome you, but you've been here the same length as me. Can you guess who I am on BYC?
  14. ButtonHerder

    Sunflower Seeds to Horses?

    Thanks for the replies! I've heard it helps grow a shiny healthy coat, is that true? If it is then I might start feeding it to my elderly mare, who could use better hair, and she would do well with added fat as well.
  15. ButtonHerder

    Sunflower Seeds to Horses?

    Does anyone feed sunflower seeds to their horses? I just want to know if it's safe and if you do what the benefit is (if there is one) or if it's just for a treat. Thanks!
  16. ButtonHerder

    Palomino's Training Journal-Showtime!

    Adorable! The one on the right has a cool mane 😎 When I bought my minis they were kinda wild, their manes were so long and ragged, tangled and some chunks were riped out so I cut it all off :( And they were stepping on their tails so I trimmed them too
  17. ButtonHerder

    Palomino's Training Journal-Showtime!

    I love it when they get all floofy 🤗
  18. ButtonHerder

    Palomino's Training Journal-Showtime!

    They are gorgeous! I have 2 mini mares that I adore, though they are not as showy a type of yours.
  19. ButtonHerder

    Thanks, not mine though, is that allowed?

    Thanks, not mine though, is that allowed?