@Baymule have a safe trip! Merry Christmas Eve to everyone!
It's mid 60s and a storm blowing in here! And I DO mean blowing...easy 20 now with gusts higher. They say prob 60-70mph gusts tonight, add rain and tornado threats. As much as I hate snow, I'd rather have a white Christmas than this.
Have a beef roast in the oven...if it gets bad and power out, I can always eat!
Better check gas cans, in case I need the generator
Merry Christmas to everyone. Same old same old here. Rain today, warmer than I expected. Had 7/10 inch already. More later. Then changing to snow, little accumulation? Cold coming.
Merry Christmas everyone! May you all be Blessed with love and compassion.
Power back on at 7ish, so only candles for about an hour. Used sterno to heat water and had hot tea! Watched some lovely musical Christmas programs on TV last night until power outage lights out at 11:30.....so, went to bed had horrid wind and rains for couple hours prior but appears we missed the tornados predicted. At least at my farm.
Temps in 70s yesterday but, dropping to Mid 30s today, 20s tonight. Brrrrrr.
As I look at this minor inconvenience, I am thankful that I have a home, plenty of food for people and animals; that I was able to participate with several food drives and contribute to every bell ringer pot this year! I am thankful to be Blessed with all my needs, many wants and good health to enjoy them and help others in less bounty.
Blessed Christmas morning all! I'm enjoying a cup of instant for a half a sec before I get into breakfast prep.
The boys are coming this morning and I'm so happy that we will all be together under the same roof for a few hours. That doesn't happen often enough for me.
I see stars twinkling in the pre-dawn sky so maybe we'll get some sunshine also!
Like @Mini Horses , I'm thankful and grateful for all the blessings that have been poured over me. My family is healthy, we have food and shelter and employment and I know there are many who can't say that. Paying it forward is richness itself. You cannot out give God.