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  1. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    This is the cow who’s had trouble the last 2 years, but she had her bull calf perfectly fine this year!
  2. ButtonHerder

    3:19 Farms 2023 kidding thread!

    That last one is so cute! They all are though.
  3. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    It feels like it, but I don’t like to complain because then I think of all the people who are calving out 300+.
  4. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    also on Monday 2 more heifers calved. One tried to kill her calf, but we got it worked out. This is the other one: Then Tuesday this: He weighed 108 pounds! Wednesday nothing, then Selah had a bull calf earlier today, and another bull calf, and a heifer had a black heifer. One other heifer...
  5. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    Anyone seen this before? They were both very tired but we figured he should get some colostrum, the benefits of a bottle baby!
  6. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    Thank you! Yeah she was very confused about what to do, pushing the calf away, spinning away, and she did kick at him a bit, but they figured it out!
  7. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    We were having some trouble getting Baby to let the calf suck, but we managed to get her to stand still for a while by haltering her (she is halter broke), and letting her suck on my hand and shirt. You gotta do what you gotta do. I think that was comforting to her since she was a bottle calf...
  8. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    Yup, another Saler x Angus heifer.
  9. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    Another heifer calf this morning, and I think one might be on the way.
  10. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    He just guessed tomorrow when I asked him, but we’ve both guessed several times and been wrong. :hu
  11. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    Licorice just calved! I checked on her, she was in labour but nothing coming out yet, 10 minutes later there was a calf.
  12. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    Calf is a bull and up and sucking.
  13. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    This heifer just went into labour a little while ago, I see feet. It’s funny because me and my dad were joking about how this cow was going to be in 2 hours, this one tomorrow, this one in 4 hours (jokingly), but I said this one would be in one hour and I was right.
  14. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    It was really cool because yesterday morning I saw and felt the calf moving around a lot.
  15. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    This is Baby today Still not super full udder. And this is Licorice
  16. ButtonHerder

    Buttons 2023 Calving Thread

    And this morning: My dad thinks heifer but didn’t want to bother her yet so we’re not 100% sure. The sire is the Gelbvieh bull.