So I likely will not be able to get any devils claw before she goes to the vet. I could order some online but it wouldn’t get here for a couple weeks. Would bute be ok in a half dose once a day?
Thanks, I didn’t know that. She isn’t pregnant so I will try and find some of that. Do you think it’s ok to give her a small dose everyday until we get her to the vet?
I think since mid December. She gets timothy hay and horse mineral. I don’t weigh their feed, about 3 leaves of a square bale twice a day (for the 2 minis). It usually takes them half the day to finish it all. She has foundered in the past.
She gets her feet trimmed regularly, the farrier was here in November. She walks pretty stiff legged, she has foundered in the past so that’s what I think it is.
I’m not sure exactly what she weighs, but she was at the vets to get her teeth done in November and she said she looked good for winter. She doesn’t have any obvious injuries to her hooves or legs. The minis get timothy hay and a mineral powder.
My mini mare has been lame on both her front legs and I don’t know what’s wrong. She has an appointment with the vet for January 3rd, and we can’t get in any sooner. I gave her some bute yesterday for the pain and it seemed to help, is it safe for me to be giving her some everyday until the...