Pampered horse girl
Overrun with beasties
Hey everyone!
As anyone who also has a BYC account may have guessed, I'm Pampered chicken girl! Surprise!
Since I have 4 horses I thought it would be a good idea to join BYH! I have owned horses for over 4 years. I have 2 Quarter horses mares, one Percheron/Thoroughbred mix gelding, and one 4 year miniature horse gelding. I'm very happy to have joined y'all!
As anyone who also has a BYC account may have guessed, I'm Pampered chicken girl! Surprise!
Since I have 4 horses I thought it would be a good idea to join BYH! I have owned horses for over 4 years. I have 2 Quarter horses mares, one Percheron/Thoroughbred mix gelding, and one 4 year miniature horse gelding. I'm very happy to have joined y'all!