the wait is finally over she had 6 lovely kits at 2.30-2.40 and all are nice colour, warm ad very active. i will post pics when i have them on because they was took on my daughters phone. i just hope they all survive now. shes only 6 months on the 7th.
its day 31 now and no kits just yet. they are really active inside her and shes not ate her food much, i will have a look at her teats. do they take longer to kindle if having bigger or smaller litters
no lol.. they only weigh 6lb. well the pregnant one weight more now but they wont grow much more now they are 6 months old on the 7th. i couldnt keep 10 of them. i hope i havnt cursed myself now saying they normally only have a few. watch her have 5 or 6
he loves them as much has i do lol.. ive got 3 children from a previous relationship then got sterilized and he has none so we cant have any now so we got 2 labradors instead of having children, then 2 rabbits and they turned out to be one of each and this happened. i get easily attached. they...
lol.. they are only dwarf lops (or mini in us ?) so i think she will only have a few, the litter size is around 3-5 i think 5 being large litter. ill keep them has pets though lol..
day 30 and no kits yet but i can see movement in her stomach, looks like they are kicking and shes being very destructive this morning. if everything goes ok i will post pics when she has had them. ive got to book an appointment with the vet soon for the male ( willow my avatar) to have his bits...
my rabbit squiggles looks ready to pop. shes collected the hay and straw and pulled the fur on thursday and i know i shouldnt get too excited with her being a first time momma but i cant help it. im really hoping when i get up in the morning there are wriggly kits in this massive nest shes...
thanks this made me laugh. i want more now. at first i bought what i thought was 2 males but now im so glad he is a she and is having kits. Im not sleeping because im that excited and its only day 27 so what am i going to be like on day 30 lol.. i would love a goat but dont think my neighbors...
i will do. i hope she has them im really excited now shes built the nest and pulled fur but ive only got her due on the 4th of nov, that will be 31 days. shes got quite large though and they did mate quite a few time with the fall off, curl up and grunt. plus shes not excepted the buck since...
thankyou very much. yes his name is willow and hes the husbun to squiggles who should also have been a boy too lol.. turns out shes female and going to be a momma bun very soon. is your rabbit an angora x
hello everyone im Leanne and i have 2 labradors, 2 dwarf lops and a syrian hamster. Ive been looking for a friendly informative site for ages and this is the best by far. Spent days reading tons of info and advice what other members have wrote about rabbits. just want to say thankyou and well...