I do not like sweet feed because it can mold. If you go through a bag fairly fast it should be fine. Glad to hear you are getting a fecal done. Does tend to loose their natural immunity against worms when they get close to kidding.
I do copper boluses and they do help the worms, albeit only...
I would cut out the molasses but everything else sounds good. The rough coat is probably form a mineral deficiency and it sounds like you are taking care of that.
The Ivermectin may not be working. Do you have a vet who can run a fecal? Even a small animal vet should be able to if you...
Donkeys are hit or miss as guardians. They don't guard the goats, just their territory. If you have one that will allow the goats to be in his territory and not attack the goats, it works but a mini just isn't big enough. Most of the "guardian" aspect is pure intimidation.
You can pet an...
Vet was out today. Both of the purebreds I was worried about are bred and coming along nicely. We had two commercial does open. They will get some lute to bring them into heat and get tossed in with the boys. :confused:
Sunshine kidded on Tuesday. She dropped them out in the cold, wet, hard ground instead of the nice warm barn. :somad The boy was too far gone by the time we found him. The girl was up and nursing but a little chilly so Hubby put her under the heat lamp and she is now doing great.
Nefer had...
How do her hooves look? Do they need trimming? Do you know if the wormer worked? Have you gotten a fecal egg count? Do you know how old she is? I am thinking of a few possibilities but need more information. What are you feeding her?
I got mine at Tractor Supply. Mine are purple, I am not really a "pink" kind of girl. I would like to find some for summer but I haven't had much luck.
Pee is more of an issue than poo. Baby goats pee A LOT!!!!! My bathroom is a big lake right now from Cleo's babies. Once their temps are holding and steady I turn off any heating devices in the room. If they stay good I open the window. I watch for a few hours and if they are holding steady...
Here are some more.....
Sierra with her new baby
Denali and her new baby. The brown on her back is from the heat lamp. She would stand under it and nurse the little guy.
This was the scene in my barnyard this morning. It was 14 degrees and they were all running around. This is only...
How exciting! We always get our goats ultrasounded but since my vet charges by the hour I don't have him take the time to count. We just get to a yes pregnant and on to the next one.
Good luck to you and happy kidding- oops I mean lambing. :lol: