I have a rescue goat that is having a hard time, it started once the cold weather hit here, 1-2 weeks. She seems to improve when it warms up and get worse when its colder, but it might just seem that way or be aggravated by the weather. She's very pregnant due anywhere from the end of Jan to end or Feb. She has lost weight the past month. She seems bright eyed and alert but reluctant to get up. She walks on her front knees sometimes and in the morning will not get up w/out me pulling her up and she walks like her front feet or front legs are very painful, and won't bend her knees. She is eating. She's not drinking as much and keeps eating snow though. Her poop is normal, her eyelids are deep pink maybe slightly pale? but she has been wormed. She seems to be urinating often and it is very strong smelling at times. She did founder at her former home, so maybe its something involving that? Should I be feeding her different with that history? The vet can't come out for a while and I feel so bad for this poor goat. What can I do?