Super excited! I have not lost an ewe yet, but I have lost a lamb and came close to losing twins. The only part that stresses me is trying to be home when they are due and not missing work. I hate to take a vacation day and then they don't lamb that day. If only they would all lamb on weekends.
I'm scared of getting kicked in the face. The babydolls are pretty mellow, but the Suffolk will kick and freak out. I have to stand off to the side of the sheep to avoid getting kicked and then bend over slightly. The tilt table sure sounds nice.
I would be interested to hear how good they are. The price was so high to buy them, so we decided to go the cheaper route and buy a sheep chair from Sydell. We like it and it does help restrain the animal, but I still get a sore back doing hoof trimming no matter what (and calloused hands, for...
This year was unusual in that my ewes were bred the very first day with the ram and on day two and forward they wanted nothing to do with him. In the past years, it would take a few days for the girls to come into cycle and accept the ram, but this year it was only on day one and for one day...
I don't let my ram run with the flock year round and during my chosen time for breeding (now) I put only the select ewes that I want him to breed in a pen with him. There is no room for questions or errors. He only gets the girls I choose and the time I choose. I register my sheep and I need...
We keep our ram separate almost all year. He only gets six weeks of glory for breeding purposes. I feel partly bad about it, because sometimes he does seem a little depressed. But when weighing the benefits v.s. the risks, I believe I make the right choice. He gets to see other sheep through...
I'm admiring the shearing job on your ram. I wish my shearing skills were that flawless.
I'll look forward to baby pictures in March.
I'm going to breed starting November 2nd. I'm excited and hard to believe it's that time of year again.
Trying to upload a photo, but having trouble. I'll try again later.
Still no luck with uploading. Has the website changed? I'm using the same computer, etc. It says it must be a jpeg, but it is a jpeg. Not sure what to do. Anyway, it looks big like it has milk, but obviously it doesn't...
What are some suggested treatments for mastitis of sheep? I found this product on the internet, but it doesn't explain how to use it:
I've been through this situation, which is why I no longer band. Ever since we've switched to the burdizzo we haven't had any problems. I had two pregnancies as a result of my failed banding technique. I love the resulting lamb of course, but I didn't want that breeding pair or that timing...
I tried squeezing it and nothing happened. I put some antibiotic ointment on it and the wound is healing...that is, until the flies chew it open again. They seem to be the same size since when I bought him. They are much larger than the other sheep, but I don't think it's an infection. The...
He's always had these large "toes," or I guess glands, as I've now learned, since we bought him about three years ago. They haven't changed in size. What exactly is the gland? I'm scared to squeeze it. Is there supposed to be fluid inside it? My ewes have these also, but they are so much...
Since we cleaned the barn, the flies aren't bad at all in there, but yet they are bad out in the pastures!?
Where can I purchase the swat and scarlet oil? The swat sounds like a possible choice if it's nice and thick like vaseline.
My rams middle "toes" are getting chewed off by flies. I spray his feet with Prozap Screw Worm Aerosal (permethrin) before work and after work. It does not appear to be effective. When I come home from work, I see that the flies are all over his toes and today it is open and bloody.:he I...
I prefer having separate lambing jugs. The moms don't like the lambs that aren't theirs (they will butt them) and the lambs get confused as to which mom to drink from. I also lamb indoors now. We've lost lambs due to being born out in the pasture and freezing to death. But I suppose it...
Yes, she only rams when I am by her side, never from far away. She tends to ram my "hands" the most, in search of food I suspect. If I just stand around with no food and do nothing, she won't do anything. I think if she realizes I don't have anything, she won't bother.