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  1. Southdown

    Fly management

    Can you share the recipe for the sheep repellant spray? Where do you get lavendar oil?
  2. Southdown

    Fly management

    I'm from MN too. So we used the hanging fly ribbons and also bought the fly traps with attractant. We actually hung those from the ceiling inside the barns and it worked well. A combination of the two worked. There are always some flies, but it reduced the population. I have chickens, but I...
  3. Southdown

    Flooring materials inside Barns

    Yes, I've thought about that with the gravel: it would not be very comfortable to lie down on and could get lodged into the hooves. I'm also concerned about adequate drainage if I only do black dirt. With all of the peeing and pooping on the dirt, it could get pretty sloppy. I'm pretty sure...
  4. Southdown

    Flooring materials inside Barns

    What is the best flooring material for barns with livestock (sheep)? Do you have black dirt, gravel, etc? We are building a new barn and are ready to haul the fill in for the interior flooring. We need a lot of fill inside, at least 7 truckloads. We're thinking about black dirt, then sand on...
  5. Southdown

    My babies are fatties after 2 weeks.....

    My ram is the only fat one. He looks perpetually "pregnant." :lol:
  6. Southdown

    This is Why We Love Them...

    I feed the dumor pellets for TSC too. My sheep go crazy over it and will fight each other over it. They are naughty and have bad manners because they like to jump up on me (like a begging dog). We use it for treats, flushing, lactation and most importantly, to get them to follow me when I...
  7. Southdown

    Bald spot on chest

    I'm noticing this year that my sheep are getting wool loss on areas, such as the legs and under the bellies. I wasn't worried at first, but now I am wondering what is up with that?! Hopefully someone else will have an answer.
  8. Southdown

    Yearling ram died tonight--Why??

    It could be possible that he died of a broken neck. We just thought there would be signs of a fight. I could definitely understand if I had just thrown the yearling in with old ram suddenly, but they had been housed together for a while prior to this incident and the young one knew his rank...
  9. Southdown

    SheepGirl's 2012 Lambing Thread

    My lambs will sometimes stick their heads through the fence too on those larger squares. I hate it when they do that and they think there is greener grass on the other side, of course.
  10. Southdown

    Fly Strike Preventive for tail docking in Summer

    What does it look like i.e. spray bottle and is it located near the sheep, horse, or cattle supplies? Thanks, sheepgirl as I do remember your photos of your lady gaga with her tail.
  11. Southdown

    Fly Strike Preventive for tail docking in Summer

    I'm going to be having a lamb born soon. I don't usually breed for Summer time lambs, but this is going to happen soon. I need to know what I can put on the lamb's tail to prevent fly strike when I band the tail. I've never needed anything before since there are no flies during tail docking...
  12. Southdown

    SheepGirl's 2012 Lambing Thread

    I learned something interesting about the tongues. Thanks.
  13. Southdown

    SheepGirl's 2012 Lambing Thread

    What does the Texel breed look like? It sounds like you are going to have with your sheep breeding in the years to come. :) So explain the tongue thing; I didn't get it.
  14. Southdown

    The Ram Effect : any experiences?

    We keep the ram away all Summer and put the ewes with him based on when we want the lambs to arrive. So far, it works right on the money. The ewes have the lambs very close to the anticipated due date. So the pregnancies resulted within a day or two of the introduction to the ram. It's also...
  15. Southdown

    SheepGirl's 2012 Lambing Thread

    :yuckyuck :yuckyuck
  16. Southdown

    Lamb born under trying conditions

    That situation sounds very stressful. Thankfully everyone made it through alive. I can't imagine not having water to give to the animals.
  17. Southdown

    SheepGirl's 2012 Lambing Thread

    Do your sheep play with that ball? :P
  18. Southdown

    Just some pictures..New Beginnings 08/26/12 Pic Heavy

    I recently bought some hen saddles and I like them. The angora goats are pretty. We NEED rain!!!!
  19. Southdown

    Just some pictures..New Beginnings 08/26/12 Pic Heavy

    I believe it takes 10 days for an ewe to dry up. We had to do it last year.
  20. Southdown

    SheepGirl's 2012 Lambing Thread

    I can't wait until I have my next baby lamb. I have one that's expecting this Summer (oops) and probably this month!