Overrun with beasties
Wow. We had a bad storm here in Virginia last Friday night that knocked our power out all over the region, and 5 days for us. The temps have been close to 100 degrees every day and we've had no water either because we are on a well pump! We have over 100 animals and let me tell you how trying it was. Luckily, we have a pond, so we could drive the truck down to it and fill a big water trough, drive it back up and fill buckets for all the critters.
So, my Tunis ewe is really pregnant and really miserable during all of this. I was supplying her with bottled water and there was nothing else I could do to keep her cool. So Tuesday night, evening 5 of our power outage, she decides she is going to give birth. Temps were in the high 90s. I was out in the barnyard watching her, I knew she was close. She hadn't eaten her food, she was restless and pawing the ground a bit. So I see her mucous plug come out, and I know it's time. I called my DH up to the barn. So things progress along with her breaking her water and contractions and I finally see what I thought was a nose. After closer inspection, we realized it was foot. No head, just a foot. She is really straining and straining and it is just not coming out like it should. So we went in to check out the situation. One of its hooves was jammed up behind its head, so we had to rearrange it and help her get it out. In the meantime, a major thunderstorm is coming up and I am trying to get the rest of the animals up into the barn. It was crazy, and it started lightning and thundering and pouring like crazy while we were trying to help this ewe. We were holding flashlights so we could see what was going on.
It was about the hairiest situation I had ever been in. power, no water, thunderstorms, troubled labor, ugh. It was awful.
But the good news is Mac was born and he was okay! Today we weighed him and he is 14 pounds. And he was named after my Mac laptop that I left laying on the back porch before the storm...almost a casualty of the situation. But today seems to be working okay!
Mac is a Cormis... Tunis x Cormo! He's a cutie pie.
So, my Tunis ewe is really pregnant and really miserable during all of this. I was supplying her with bottled water and there was nothing else I could do to keep her cool. So Tuesday night, evening 5 of our power outage, she decides she is going to give birth. Temps were in the high 90s. I was out in the barnyard watching her, I knew she was close. She hadn't eaten her food, she was restless and pawing the ground a bit. So I see her mucous plug come out, and I know it's time. I called my DH up to the barn. So things progress along with her breaking her water and contractions and I finally see what I thought was a nose. After closer inspection, we realized it was foot. No head, just a foot. She is really straining and straining and it is just not coming out like it should. So we went in to check out the situation. One of its hooves was jammed up behind its head, so we had to rearrange it and help her get it out. In the meantime, a major thunderstorm is coming up and I am trying to get the rest of the animals up into the barn. It was crazy, and it started lightning and thundering and pouring like crazy while we were trying to help this ewe. We were holding flashlights so we could see what was going on.
It was about the hairiest situation I had ever been in. power, no water, thunderstorms, troubled labor, ugh. It was awful.
But the good news is Mac was born and he was okay! Today we weighed him and he is 14 pounds. And he was named after my Mac laptop that I left laying on the back porch before the storm...almost a casualty of the situation. But today seems to be working okay!
Mac is a Cormis... Tunis x Cormo! He's a cutie pie.