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  1. Miranda Kurucz

    Flat collar or slip lead for bringing home kids?

    Did I mention that I'm in love?!?!? Hahaha Oh my word I just can't even wait!:love:weee:woot
  2. Miranda Kurucz

    Flat collar or slip lead for bringing home kids?

    It's hard to see but the darker brown boy has some moon spotting in a lighter brown... more down the other side than what is shown. Here is his sire, and his sires parentage.
  3. Miranda Kurucz

    From kids to full grown -- post your before and after shots

    Curious to see the changes that occurred in all the goats out there from kid to adult. I have been on the long haul wait (since October!) for kids, and now my two wethers come home early June. I have been reading through the articles and forums, and now I'm ready for more pictures of all the...
  4. Miranda Kurucz

    Flat collar or slip lead for bringing home kids?

    So it's official!!!! They are here!!! Meet my new boys: I pick them up end of May / beginning of June. I can't wait. I'm in love already.
  5. Miranda Kurucz

    Hello! Closest vet for farm animals is Smithers as far as I understand. I'm going to be picking...

    Hello! Closest vet for farm animals is Smithers as far as I understand. I'm going to be picking up a lot of my supplies in cloverdale and then ordering online or getting through Dutch Valley. Stocking up down south when I visit family is my main method of attack though. :) thanks for messaging...
  6. Miranda Kurucz

    Can a single full sized goat be satisfied being kept with two dwarf goats?

    Absolutely! We have decided instead of re vamping out old goat house that we are actually going to build a pretty decently sized 2 or 3 stall barn. This should make it easier to feed / separate / control if any issues do arise. I can't wait for goat day--- I am so excited!!!
  7. Miranda Kurucz

    Aleshia 16 yr old Pygmy :(

    I am so sorry for your loss-- but what a long loved and cared for life she was lucky to get with you! I know every time we lose an animal here I feel like I'm crazy to want to bring home more as I feel it so heavily. <3 Condolences
  8. Miranda Kurucz

    Post your favourite goat houses!

    We were going to renovate our old goat pen for our new arrivals coming in June-July but instead we have decided that the old pen has been serving us well as a nice dog kennel out in the yard and could be used as a temporary get away / cleaning the other pen spot so we are now starting from...
  9. Miranda Kurucz

    Can a single full sized goat be satisfied being kept with two dwarf goats?

    So what you're saying is I should bring home 2 standard sized goats....:bow:weee
  10. Miranda Kurucz

    Can a single full sized goat be satisfied being kept with two dwarf goats?

    Make sure that everyone is bringing to same weapons... no guns to a knife fight so to say? Also--- I'm super excited that I have been given an old culvert and I'm now making a couple hobbit hole hides as well as their shelter and tree house! I can't wait for spring and good weather to get it...
  11. Miranda Kurucz

    Can a single full sized goat be satisfied being kept with two dwarf goats?

    This may be a bit of an ignorant/strange question --- So I have 2 Nigerian dwarf wethers coming in the new year. My cousin has this wonderful Toggenburg doe that is the most sweet docile thing in the world-- pretty much a big dog-- she is planning on breeding her in 2017 and if she does I'm...
  12. Miranda Kurucz

    Flat collar or slip lead for bringing home kids?

    Hahahah I actually have been eyeing up some nice curry combs and hard brushes... boys are going to be getting a good brush down every day or two.. Who doesn't love a good brush out?!:weee
  13. Miranda Kurucz

    Flat collar or slip lead for bringing home kids?

    Hahah perfect! Or train them into little trick goats and do goat shows!
  14. Miranda Kurucz

    Flat collar or slip lead for bringing home kids?

    Bahaha I knew what you meant and that when you wrote your response you hadn't seen the price yet :) I liked your goat math!:love:bow Definitely hard to not just start with 6.... My practical side is fickle.:barnie All pets will be lifers here unless some extreme unforeseen health issue in the...
  15. Miranda Kurucz

    Flat collar or slip lead for bringing home kids?

    Absolutely! I thought for all things considered that this pricing was more than reasonable. For does and bucks it depends on their lines etc but the pricing is more in the $450 - $600 range. You don't want the animals to be a disposable price and attract the wrong buyers but that is also weeded...
  16. Miranda Kurucz

    Flat collar or slip lead for bringing home kids?

    That was my first question when I e-mailed breeders! "Can you show me how to trim their hooves!" hahaha so I will have a lesson on pick up. Do you have a feed you recommend? A lot of my supplies will be getting bought online -- and our local feed store is going to be adding products just for...
  17. Miranda Kurucz

    Flat collar or slip lead for bringing home kids?

    I don't mind a little pusher and enabler <3 hahah
  18. Miranda Kurucz

    Flat collar or slip lead for bringing home kids?

    I I am a bit of a freak with my animals -- I will be spending lots of time in the yard with them and my father-in-law likes to come putter in our yard and he spends a tonne of time with the chickens etc. When Dave is home he is outside in the shop by the pen most of the day so they'll get a...
  19. Miranda Kurucz

    Flat collar or slip lead for bringing home kids?

    They are sending us home with a bale of hay to adjust -- and I have found a place in Terrace that supplies a similar hay mixture. I will ask about grain -- but with wethers I was under the impression that they mostly just need hay on top of their browse and you can offer treats such as beet pulp...