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  1. TGreenhut

    Horse shivering after bath in hot weather!

    That sounds like some good advice! And yeah this is only one of her many issues that she currently has, so I'm hoping that you're right and its just nerves from the new move! Thanks again!
  2. TGreenhut

    Horse shivering after bath in hot weather!

    Thanks chubbydog811. All we know is that she is part Arabian, but not full. The thing is, she is obviously miserable in this heat. Like right now, she just stands listlessly and I can see her belly moving strangely, like as if she is breathing way too hard, but she has not been working at all...
  3. TGreenhut

    Goat with diarrhea AGAIN

    Ok then I won't give them the wormer until I get them tested this weekend. Thats the soonest I can get it because of work. I thought I would follow 20kidsonhill advice on giving them what I have until I can manage getting their fecal tested. But if you guys suggest otherwise than I'll wait.
  4. TGreenhut

    Goat with diarrhea AGAIN

    I already have a wormer I used with my chickens that can be used for goats so I will give them that. Their poop is now like dog poop, there's no more diarrhea, so maybe it was something they ate but I'm not sure what that would be. I will still worm them though.
  5. TGreenhut

    Horse shivering after bath in hot weather!

    My sister and I got a horse a few weeks ago, back when it was cold and rainy weather all the time. We had issues with her severely shaking after getting wet from the rain in 50/60 degree weather, but we never thought we'd have issues with her shivering in hot weather. Today it is 93 F degrees...
  6. TGreenhut

    Goat with diarrhea AGAIN

    Oh ok that's interesting...
  7. TGreenhut

    Looking for home for pot belly pig as pet

    I WOULD LOVE HER!! But yes...what state are you in?
  8. TGreenhut

    Goat with diarrhea AGAIN

    Ok I will try to get the fecal tested ASAP but the medication I treated them with said it would rid of almost all parasites.
  9. TGreenhut

    Goat with diarrhea AGAIN

    Any suggestions?
  10. TGreenhut

    New goats - what should I get?

    Get nubians! They're great dairy goats and they're friendly too. I would agree with poorboys--that you should start with yearlings, 3 does and a buck.
  11. TGreenhut

    Goat with diarrhea AGAIN

    I had treated all my goats for cocci (including her)-- I only have three goats.
  12. TGreenhut

    Goat with diarrhea AGAIN

    Ok so last sunday I posted a topic on this because one of my three goats had diarrhea. You guys thought it was cocci so I treated them ALL for cocci/parasites for the proper 5 days. The diarrhea had completely cleared up for the weekend (treatment stopped on friday) but now it's monday and a...
  13. TGreenhut

    URGENT sick goat diarrhea

    Oh ok! Thank you! I guess as long as they don't eat more horse food they'll be fine? And atleast now I don't have to worry about them getting cocci because I treated them for it. :rolleyes:
  14. TGreenhut

    URGENT sick goat diarrhea

    It was "pudding-y" dark green until I started treating them for cocci (about 3 days ago) and now it's almost like dog poop- or compressed berries. If that means its dietary, could that be caused by them eating horse food because a couple days ago they got into the storage room and ate some horse...
  15. TGreenhut

    URGENT sick goat diarrhea

    Ok! Thanks for all the help! Last night I gave all of them sulfamethazine in pill form for cocci (and I will continue to everyday that the directions say to), cleaned their water dishes, gave them fresh food, and cleaned/put down fresh shavings where they sleep. I also gave them...
  16. TGreenhut

    URGENT sick goat diarrhea

    Ok so I'm going to treat them for cocci and it doesn't hurt to treat them if they might not have it, correct?
  17. TGreenhut

    URGENT sick goat diarrhea

    No because I just got my goats last week. What is a cocci prevention plan?
  18. TGreenhut

    URGENT sick goat diarrhea

    Today I went to let out my three, 4 month old, does and noticed one had DIARREHA all over her back end! I don't know what it could be because all three of them eat the same things (1 cup grain, alfalfa, graze pasture) and only she has diarreha!:( She seems perfectly normal- not sick at all- just...
  19. TGreenhut

    Hoover died tonight

    I'm so sorry! He was beautiful! Don't lose hope on goats though! My aunt had a goat that she absolutely LOVED--it was her baby. But one day she came home from work and it had gotten its neck tangled in a rope and strangled itself. My aunt was terribly disstressed and thought she could never own...
  20. TGreenhut

    Is this an okay diet?

    For my nubian alpine cross does (about 4 months old) I give about cup of purina goat chow to each goat every day, and I feed them pure alfalfa hay. They also have access to a mineral block and they graze the pasture all day long. They seem to do well off this diet and they lick the mineral block...