Critter Addict ♥
Some people prefer ammonia...I generally use bleach to clean dishes. Clearing out all bedding in their stalls is a good idea...apply barn lime and re-bed the stall.
It was "pudding-y" dark green until I started treating them for cocci (about 3 days ago) and now it's almost like dog poop- or compressed berries. If that means its dietary, could that be caused by them eating horse food because a couple days ago they got into the storage room and ate some horse food. If not, what else causes dietary problems.cmjust0 said:OMGAH! OMGAH! OMGAH! RUN FOR THE DIMETHOX!
Oh, wait.. Did anyone think to ask what color the scour is? Or anything about the consistency? Or whether it had a particularly foul odor?
Given that the goat seems completely normal otherwise, I'd be interested to know if it's a runny/pudding-y *dark green* scour.. If so, it's almost certainly dietary.
If it's black with shredded epithelial tissue in it, then yeah...probably coccidia. Or if it's like yellowish dirty water with a little blood and mucous, probably bacterial.
Now, to me, that sure sounds like "it isn't dietary b/c there's been no change."I don't know what it could be because all three of them eat the same things (1 cup grain, alfalfa, graze pasture) and only she has diarreha!