Maybe $40 for both goats to get a fecal (but it varies). Our horse vet did a fecal on our goats if you can't find a caprine vet. There is no life for goats with a heavy cocci load. They will get dehydrated from the scours if the worms don't kill them first. Many goats live with cocci but they...
I think you saw a heat cycle, it definitely sounds like it. Your plan is similar to mine. Now that I've been showing the buck rag for a couple days, she has calmed down so I think she was in heat on the 11th. So now I'm expecting another heat in late Oct., early Nov.
When goats are drinking milk, they sometimes develop a milk goiter (a.k.a milk neck, which is just a pouch-like lump under their throat).
Why do you dislike wattles? I think they're cute! And yes, they are a recessive genetic trait (but recessive so not all babies get them).
Oh and I normally...
Ok, so I normally am really good at deciphering when goats come into heat (I know all the signs and how often they come into heat, etc.). But my doe Sassy, is giving me a hard time trying to tell when she is in heat. She's really quiet about it. So today we got a buck rag from the breeder we are...
Now I don't know much about this, so don't hold me to it, but have you heard of "floppy kid syndrome"? Are the babies being bottle fed milk replacer? I've heard FKS can be caused by feeding milk replacer. Since I don't know very much about FKS, if you haven't heard of it, you might want to look...
I'm making a new post for this because I have new questions on copper bolus (copasure) for goats (And having OCD, I needed the post to be more specific now :P). As I found out on my last post, giving copper to goats is very controversial. Some say be VERY specific with weight, others say it...
Thanks for the replies! I have another question now... (sorry it's lengthy)
All of my goats except Razz (since they are eight months and younger) have never been dewormed with a chemical dewormer in their life. About eight weeks ago I started Razz, Smokey, and Sassy on Molly's herbal dewormer...
Me too. Llamas (but not all llamas- they have to be raised for the job) are great guardians. I also have emus and they don't let ANYTHING come into the pasture if its not supposed to be there.
I don't know anyone with an LGD but my neighbor has a mini donkey gelding who is a fantastic guard. My...
It was just a routine test but my vet said I should deworm every goat that had any worms. All my goats seem very healthy though, so I'm kind of confused at how I should approach this. My vet wanted me to try a dewormer now and retest in 2-3 weeks. You think I should wait, others who replied made...
Let me start off by letting you know that there are no goat vets within a 2 hour drive of where we live (that we know of). So today I gathered fecal samples from my goats and brought them to our horse vet. We did the process together because she was teaching me how to do fecal testing. Here are...
Thanks for the replies! This really has helped! I have both ivermectin paste and liquid goat safeguard. I will probably use the safeguard to treat tapeworms but at least I have the ivermectin on hand if something else comes up.
The poop looks like the picture in the last post on this first page:
Hmmm... I really think it is tapeworm though. I looked on google for pictures of chickens with tapeworm eggs in their poop and it looked exactly like what I'm dealing with.
I know this more of a backyardchickens question but I've found that no one ever responds to my posts there because the site is so huge now. So I was wondering if any of you could give me advice on this matter:
I recently dewormed my chickens with Wazine 17 because I suspected they had...