Just wanted to update about our LaMancha doe- she peaked at 10 lbs per day and at three months fresh is holding steady at around a gallon per day. Not bad for a first freshener!! Here is a picture of her from this morning- don't mind the fuzzies, her udder needs a clip. :)
Taken this morning...
That looks like mites. Your best bet is to have a skin scraping done during your vet appointment and get him on the appropriate meds. It's certainly not just dry skin. Congrats on your new PBP! Ours is such a hoot.
No, the Ca:P ratios in your grain are not necessarily sufficient. Grain and grass hay without alfalfa (or another legume) to balance your ratios is a recipe for UC. If you don't have quality alfalfa hay available locally then alfalfa pellets are a perfectly good option. My growing kids have...
Very excited to see this project in action! We've considered pigs for a long time and have a "pet" pig. What a great option for folks like us with lots of woodland and little or no pasture.
We supplement good quality grass hay (available free-choice) with alfalfa. Typically coastal bermuda, but what is available will depend on your area. But yes, free-choice grass hay with measured amounts of alfalfa is perfectly fine.
Where do you live? That's a question that can't really be answered without knowing what part of the country you're in. Here is the South alfalfa hay isn't always the best choice. We feed alfalfa pellets and Chaffhaye. Trying to maintain your goats on grass hay and grain (or just straight...
There is no chocolate on your doe. Chocolate dilutes the black portions, so her legs, dorsal stripe, and belly would not be black if she was chocolate. She is a chamoisee with white (and frosted ears if you want to add that much detail.)
I love milking her!
I reverse a #7 on the body and a #10 on legs, head, and throat. #30 and #40 reversed on the dairy clip and along the edges of the tail.
Looking good! I have my LM clipped and will do just a few touch ups tonight for tomorrow's show. No full body pics yet, but here's a pic of her rear udder. :)
Make sure kids are on coccidiosis prevention and you'll see better growth rates, no mortality from coccidiosis, and they will be healthier as adults. Great job for knocking out the bottle jaw! Stick with it! :)