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  1. G

    Before we breed her......

    Good to I thought the alfalfa pellets were making her gassy. They all have their winter coats (as much of a winter that we get in Ca. ), so it is hard to see what is fat and what is not. I will try to seperate her at feeding time. Thanks for your input.
  2. G

    Before we breed her......

    We purchased a Nigerian doe two years ago from out of state. She was very ill and we spent close to $1000 keeping her alive. At three months, she only weighed 12 lbs, while her twin was 20 lbs. Apparently she was soooo filled with worms that it took three months of treatments to bring her back...
  3. G

    Nigerian OK to Breed ??

    Yes I know the difference between a goat and a cow. Just posted to wrong area. Sorry. ;)
  4. G

    How much to feed

    I am completely lost as well. It is all trial and error with me for the last couple of years. I have two Nubians (wether & doe) and three Nigerians (wether and 2 does). They all eat together at the same time. I feed them 1/2 flake of wheat hay and 3 lbs of alfalfa pellets in the morning and at...
  5. G

    Nigerian OK to Breed ??

    We purchased a Nigerian doe two years ago from out of state. She was very ill and we spent close to $1000 keeping her alive. At three months, she only weighed 12 lbs, while her twin was 20 lbs. Apparently she was soooo filled with worms that it took three months of treatments to bring her back...
  6. G

    My *!@# pygmy wethers ruined my neighbor's truck

    I would seriously get some advice on your responsibilities for the trailer. Replacing is costly. But he cannot hold you responsible to replace the entirety when just an area is damaged. Age & condition of the trailer come into play as well. Hopefully he is not just someone looking to get a new...
  7. G

    My *!@# pygmy wethers ruined my neighbor's truck

    My son raises we need a sturdy fencing that will hold in a 200 lb animal. We use hog fencing that we got at Tractor supply. We put in round post every 7-8 feet and nailed the individual fencing to the post. I think the panels come in either 14 or 16 feet panels. They are about 7 feet...