Chillin' with the herd
I have 3 pygmys and 2 nigerian dwarfs, all wethered males. I also have 3 ewes. I feed them all the poulin sheep complete. The goats get a small soup can twice a day.
Is that to much and do they even need the grain? I also feed free choice of the best hay I can get. They are all doing great but I noticed the goats are getting a bit chubby. Not sure if it is due to their winter fat and fur coming in or they are just getting fat. And can you give them whole corn sometimes? I read it isn't that good for them. I live in R.I.
Thanks Debbie
Is that to much and do they even need the grain? I also feed free choice of the best hay I can get. They are all doing great but I noticed the goats are getting a bit chubby. Not sure if it is due to their winter fat and fur coming in or they are just getting fat. And can you give them whole corn sometimes? I read it isn't that good for them. I live in R.I.
Thanks Debbie