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  1. SmallFarmGirl

    Odd udder *Patricia had her baby!!!* **PICS pg3**

    WOW! She's a beauty! I would keep an eye on her, see if she gets enough. If not I would consider bottle feeding.
  2. SmallFarmGirl

    Goat throwing "fits" on the milking stand...

    I would suggest getting someone to hold her legs. ANother thing that helps is if you put your head close to them as you milk and sing softly or talk. Offer your favorite treat when she's on the stand and don't get her on only to milk. Let her get get on and JUST get her favorite treat and a...
  3. SmallFarmGirl

    Do you have your sow's toenails trimmed?

    Wondering about this myself..
  4. SmallFarmGirl

    How to tell if they are polled?**Pics Added

    I guess, a polled! Good luck.
  5. SmallFarmGirl

    Nigerian Dwarf Doe, NY

    I think you should put where you live and how people can contact you.
  6. SmallFarmGirl

    Meet the oldest cow in our herd :)

    WOW! She's lovely! I love to see more cow people on here! Got a lot it looks like from the pic. How many do you have total???
  7. SmallFarmGirl

    Post if you hate ticks

    I have never had them ever in my ENTIRE Life till I went camping. WORST camping experience EVER. I get the creepy crawlies just thinking about them.
  8. SmallFarmGirl

    HankTheTank and Ownedby3alpacas Journal

    Ohh and yah on bonnie staying! It was a hard choice I know, but I'm glad!
  9. SmallFarmGirl

    HankTheTank and Ownedby3alpacas Journal

    did you know nigerians can be cart goats? Wethers are best for the job. You can see more about it on this site:
  10. SmallFarmGirl

    fairview610: Update and new girl!

    :welcome oh :welcome to BYH!!!!!
  11. SmallFarmGirl

    Daisychick's *Journal* New Baby and it Moos!!!!

    :weee Do what you have to do!
  12. SmallFarmGirl

    How do I increase MILK production?

    Do you feed alfalfa? That might help her.
  13. SmallFarmGirl

    Meet Jac and Walter

    ANother thing, a great BYHer did, she read a book aloud. Her goats soon became interested. I think goats like voices, so don't be afraid to speak in a gentle happy tone that they can get used too. later they'll know and love your voice and come up to you.
  14. SmallFarmGirl

    Meet Jac and Walter

    Another thing, don't be afraid to play with them alot. Mine were a hint skittish too, I just sat in the barn and loved them if they came up to me. (IF) Just hang out with them, they'll get used to it.