Hey ya'll! :D
I've shown pics of my goat yard before, and the goat run is attached to the chicken's run, which is separated by a little door..
See the goat's door which Betty Boop (spotted goat) is in front of???
I want to let my goats get through the door and not the chickens.
Thanks! This all sounds right... Yesterday they didn't want attention at ALL!!!!
This morning I went to feed them and they loved me.... sudden change??? :lol:
Hey Ya'll!!! :frow
My does are hopefully pregnant :celebrate .
Is there any behavior that they show when pregnant???
They seem to be kind- of relaxed lately.
No signs of heat, and they just seem to lie around. Not drowsy, but just relaxed! :lol:
They're not sick, they've got bright eyes...
Dear Friends,
today I noticed my (hopefully bred) doe, had a bit of yellowish gunk on her bottom. it had a tinge of red in it and it was hard not goopy.
She hasn't gone into heat after I bred her, so, what's this gunk about??? Is it heat??? She usually bleats and white creamy stuff comes out...
Missed all of ya'll!!! :frow so glad to be back....
I've determined I will never get my papers for my girls. :he
I called NDGA about getting my papers. They told me they can't do anything. :barnie
The breeder doesn't answer my calls or emails.... :he
I'm mad, but I know what my next...
Dear Friends,
I have 2 does. Both have been bred, but I don't know if they're pregnant or not. :lol:
I know all about blood tests, but I'm hesitant for a couple of reasons. :(
1.I can't do blood, I start feeling sick, and I hate to make my goats upset.... :/
2. my 2nd goat stresses out easily...