Search results

  1. SmallFarmGirl

    Wagging tail before kid's birth??

    Have any of ya'll had a a goat wag her tail alot before kidding???? :D ALOT??? :lol:
  2. SmallFarmGirl

    Goats and Chickens, how to keep one in and one out.

    Sounds like great ideas ya'll!!! thanks a bunch! Going for doggie door option. more of that material...
  3. SmallFarmGirl

    Goats and Chickens, how to keep one in and one out.

    Hey ya'll! :D I've shown pics of my goat yard before, and the goat run is attached to the chicken's run, which is separated by a little door.. See the goat's door which Betty Boop (spotted goat) is in front of??? I want to let my goats get through the door and not the chickens. why...
  4. SmallFarmGirl

    Pregnancy behaviors (what to expect?)

    Thanks! This all sounds right... Yesterday they didn't want attention at ALL!!!! This morning I went to feed them and they loved me.... sudden change??? :lol:
  5. SmallFarmGirl

    Pregnancy behaviors (what to expect?)

    Hey Ya'll!!! :frow My does are hopefully pregnant :celebrate . Is there any behavior that they show when pregnant??? They seem to be kind- of relaxed lately. No signs of heat, and they just seem to lie around. Not drowsy, but just relaxed! :lol: They're not sick, they've got bright eyes...
  6. SmallFarmGirl

    Yellow Gunk

    Dear Friends, today I noticed my (hopefully bred) doe, had a bit of yellowish gunk on her bottom. it had a tinge of red in it and it was hard not goopy. She hasn't gone into heat after I bred her, so, what's this gunk about??? Is it heat??? She usually bleats and white creamy stuff comes out...
  7. SmallFarmGirl

    Yum Or Yuck?

    yum. deep fried mushrooms... :lol:
  8. SmallFarmGirl

    Pregnant??? How to find out.

    Hmm... got to call and try that. WHy did I not think of that??? :lol:
  9. SmallFarmGirl

    SmallFarmGirl's journal- Books & Cats!

    Missed all of ya'll!!! :frow so glad to be back.... Today: I've determined I will never get my papers for my girls. :he I called NDGA about getting my papers. They told me they can't do anything. :barnie The breeder doesn't answer my calls or emails.... :he I'm mad, but I know what my next...
  10. SmallFarmGirl

    Pregnant??? How to find out.

    Dear Friends, I have 2 does. Both have been bred, but I don't know if they're pregnant or not. :lol: I know all about blood tests, but I'm hesitant for a couple of reasons. :( 1.I can't do blood, I start feeling sick, and I hate to make my goats upset.... :/ 2. my 2nd goat stresses out easily...
  11. SmallFarmGirl

    for $10 would you?...

    Yes, if it was the team of my choice. For $10 would you clean my house?
  12. SmallFarmGirl

    coin game

    you win a herd of sheep! inserts coin*
  13. SmallFarmGirl

    Searching for Smileys game!

    smileys that are running after a few people post, anyone can suggest a topic!
  14. SmallFarmGirl

    State a fact about the person above you

    Never met before... Hi!!! :lol:
  15. SmallFarmGirl

    for $10 would you?...

    Yes I would! For 10 bucks would you walk around in a costume of your choice all day?
  16. SmallFarmGirl

    SmallFarmGirl's journal- Books & Cats!

    Springtime! Hopefully blue eyes!!! :D