Yes, they love you.
Now nip the nipping by the bud like they said. My doe, betty, will rub her head against my leg for love!
She's not rough, but she'll gently rub her head against my leg till I pet her. Kisses eats my hair and tries to sit on me. It's just their form of love!
Well the poison Ivy turned out to not be poison IVy. HE decided he was going to act like some allergic reaction and spread a over my body like a wild fire.
I've even got it on my face! I went to the doctor and she has no clue what it is, but I did have an infection on my foot. So after all...
There he stood, facing the most terrifying beast. (In his mind) he was pawing the ground, head facing the beast. He then,
turned around and raced away!
My answers are in bold! :D
Do you use a strip cup or can you put the first couple squirts into a regular cup to look at it?
I would put it in a cup and check it out. Your looking for clean white, slightly foamy, creamy milk. No blood, flakes, discoloration.
What exactly am I looking for in the...
Treats, repeating, and determination. You need to show her you are the boss, guide her with treats and DON'T stop! :D
(And a little pat on the bottom helps alot too... :lol: ;) )