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  1. J

    Baking Soda

    I keep my baking soda in a plastic, lidded container, and offer it to the goats while they are still on the milking stand. Those that aren't get it offered to them while I hold the container. Everyone crowds around and they just go to it. I know that they've had enough when they walk away. I...
  2. J

    Settle a Debate about weaning....

    Hello - I am wondering if there is a device or technique that I could use to keep the kids from getting to the mama goat's udder. I do not want to separate everyone from eachother - just keep the kids from sucking. Also, how much are milk-feld wethers going for these days? I have a 10-week old...
  3. J

    Cheese making classes

    There is a woman south of Grand Rapids, Barbara Jenesses - I believe that is her last name, who gives classes. Last fall I attended an all-day class (for about $80) that included a great lunch, cheese sampling, hands-on experience, and a chance to observe (up-close and personal, smells gratis)...
  4. J

    Wether does not like his new baby sisters-Do I need to get rid of him?

    Hey - I just read your posting about the head-butting wether. We have the same thing going on here with the formerly best-friend, the sister, of our new mama goat. Whenever mama goat sees her sister now - just through a fence - her back hair stands on end, and she rushes to the fence where...