The woman training me had the 'so how do YOU think it's going' talk with me today.
She has concerns that I'm not making near enough progress & making way to many mistakes.
... then, flustered, I go & make a mistake entering something we had JUST take about.
Ugh. BAD day at work.
I'm still struggling & they're running out of patience.
Time, maybe, to start filling out some applications in case they fire me.
Feb 13th
They said that she should be fine in her kennel the next day, but I've talked with Dad & he's agreed to come up & babysit for a couple of days so she can stay inside in her bed.
WOW!!! Great job!!
It's so hard to overcome that inertia and get started. Once started though seeing the results can sometimes be enough motivation to keep going.
Birdie had her appt with my old vet this past Wed. He said he would remove the growth for $5-$600.
HUGE difference from the Richmond referral (discount?) place of $2000 and up! Scheduled for Feb 13th.
Will add a recent picture in a little bit as a record of how big it's gotten.
More rain...
Jimmie Cricket it is COLD out there!!!! 🥶 16° this AM!!
Eva wins... I caved... set up the small spare trough & filled. Both girls drank & drank. I wish I knew what they suddenly found objectionable about the bathtub filled to the brim with clean rain water...
Why is it that the 5min everyday...
This is Eva's calf, so only 1/4 jersey, which I think might make her a particularly good beef mom. Potentially higher volume & fat than a pure angus without the complication I have with Eva producing SOO much the first month that she requires help. She's quite docile & easy to handle.
I would...
Always a happy sight.
The hay trailer is STUFFED.
When my hay guy came last night I asked if he knew anyone that might trailer Blossom to the processor for me. He said that he could do it if I can give him plenty of notice. Then, kind of joking... kind of hinting, I said that if I was going to...