Our sow just had her second litter last night. 10 alive and 1 stillborn. The runt is so tiny. How can I tell if he's getting to eat? If I have to bottle feed, what should I feed? Goats milk? How frequently?
Also, mom has a creamy white discharge. Is this normal or a sign of infection? She...
Yes they have shelter and shade and the area they are in is completely fenced in. They are safe. Besides that, we have dogs. Our chickens, ducks, and turkeys all free range our property and we have yet to lose a single one. Haven't lost any rabbits or pigs or cats or anything. The dogs do a good...
We got Comet a little over a year ago when she was 8 weeks old. She was such a sweet little affectionate doeling. We brought a buck over for breeding a little over a month ago. If she took, she'll be due August 8th. We just got another little 8 week old doeling, Kaluha. Comet does not like her...
Well, I decided to see what would happen if I put he back in with the buck today, and sure enough, 3 fall offs. I'm just going to go ahead and eat her.
I was on a rabbit page and someone was describing a scenario which sounded familiar. She ended up having her doe put down and dissected. The diagnoses was Pyometra.
So here's my situation....
A bought a doe end of January, supposedly bred. a week or two after I brought her home she made a...
She was due yesterday. Still no babies. Her nest just keeps getting bigger. I put a piece of cardboard in her cage today and she immediately started shredding it.
I've tried feeling for babies and felt nothing. I haven't weighed her, but she does appear to have a fat round belly. She's not the friendliest rabbit. I don't believe she was handled very much before I got her. If she got prgeo when I rebred her to my buck, she'd be due on the 21st. She is...
She ended up having 7 kits. They're a little over 2 weeks.
The silverfox doe pulled fur a few weeks ago, but no babies. Now she's pulling fur again....
The doe is a little over a year hand has never been bred. She's been real ornery lately and a noticed she was having a discharge from her vulva. So we went and picked this guy up. He's also a little over a year. We bought him a while ago, but traded him for a doeling and breeding rights. Well...
Well, she just gave birth to 7 kits. The guy I got them from said they might already be bred. I guess she was! Still waiting to find out about testing from a friend who works at the vet.
Thank you everyone.
By cull all of them, I was talking about the rabbits. They are the only rabbits I have and I bought all three from the same place.
If it's Pateurella, how dangerous is it to the other livestock?
Hi, I just bought a trio of rabbits a few weeks ago. The day after I brought them home I noticed a white nasal discharge from one of the does. I figured maybe from the new bedding or perhaps a cold. The next day it was gone. Then I saw it again yesterday. So I did some googling and what I read...
OK, so I put the silver Fox in with the buck and she accepted him. He fell off 4 times. So I guess it was a false pregnancy. I put the California in with him and she still refused and growled at him. She hasn't started pulling fur, just made a nest with straw. I'm going to put the silver Fox in...