These are not the newest pics but some from last year. The babies are the 2 little billies I sold. The white gal without horns is crystal and the black gal is Olivia. The horned one with the crooked mouth is Hotwheels Holly. I added in a picture of my very favorite confidant and hopefully...
lol no sorry I got a bit involved in chores today. Moved and reorganized a medicine closet, cut and stacked a couple ricks of wood and rearranged a chicken coop so we could add 3 more nesting boxes. By the time I was done all I wanted was some chinese and exhausted vegitation lol.
We shall see what happens next year. I think for this year I stick with the plan. Next spring he is expecting kids from his beautiful ND buck and if housing and another fenced in area can be provided I may consider. Everything in its time. I am taking baby steps here lol.
For now rent a stud is the best option. Maybe once the honey do list is a bit smaller a separate area could be arranged. Right now I have just the right amount of housing for the girls but no separate area for boys. The horses do not much care for goats in their area and my cows are being bred...
I had to look that one up. They are going to be with him full time during the visit. They have never ever been around a male at all, so the hope is they go into heat when they are faced with one. We are going to be watching for a bit of action and hope this goes quickly.
He tried to sell me...
Well my girls are going to a friends to stay until they are pregnant. End of the month they go visiting. He has a nubian male he is going to put my Sannen in with. A registered moon spotted blue eyed ND billy he will put my little girls in with.
So I got in touch with my goat buddy and we are on for breeding the first 3 girls whenever I want. I think the nubian I will wait a tad on. The one I really want is too young to breed so I will keep her away from the buck, unless when I get there tomorrow I see an older one that catches my eye...
Ok so serious advise here. My goats are a tad....chubby. Not bad but they can stand to loose a bit. My dad just will not give in on them getting less. He is 80 and there is just no convincing the man. Anyway the nigerians are closest to being the right weight. The sannen with the twisted jaw is...
I will have to get when its not raining. I have a white Nigerian Dwarf and Black one with white spotting and blue eyes. My sannen is white and I really never thought I would breed her because I was told she had wry mouth and that nothing could be done for her. However I had a dairy goat farmer...
Oh no I was talking about another nigerian dwarf but still when it comes to my baby girls they are all big ugly smelly males. Its like letting your daughter date the drummer, doesn't matter who he is your against it. I have miniature and standard girls and want to use a miniature billy.
I am just trying to picture what I would get with all this crossing and struggling. I do think I would love to have my ND bred to another ND. I have a beautiful blue eyed girl and he has a beautiful moon spotted blue eyed boy he will loan me. So how is the mini nubian as compared to the kinder...
Yea the smell was strong. I think I washed those pants a few times before I gave up and they were for barn use only. I do not own a buck but the lady I got mine from had 3 and they stayed 24/7 with hers. So maybe that was the problem. I washed her once , maybe I should have completely shaved...
How long does the doe have to be away from the male? The goat I milked had the WORST SMELLIEST milk and I did everything I could. I sanitized. I did my research before we ever got to that point but it just smelled so bad. Anywho I got her a couple months before she had her babies and she was...
Ok so I currently have 3 goats. I have a Sannen/boer mix doe, and 2 nigerian dwarf does. All at least 2 years old and never had a kid ( I have no male). I think its time the gals got knocked up. I would also like to add a Nubian or 2 to the mix for milk. The goal in all this is to make the goats...
My first time milking EVER was on a first time Nigerian Dwarf. I managed to do it. She even had one udder that was weird. Was not that bad. I have like 10 year old sized hands though so maybe that made it easier.
I am not selling these and I don't raise these type of goats so I can't take advantage ( although I did try to talk my husband into it. I would LOVE to have a lamancha but he said I had enough on my plate. He is not getting this whole chicken/goat math thing). Anywho vet came by to bred my...
Good information to have. These goats would be pets I think. If they are sold of course I have no control over that part but in my mind they are to be pets. I was worried I was waiting too long. I have 3 more weeks at least to research YAY I am not sure I could do it so easily. I am more the...
Ok I have a little issue. I have to buck babies and one stinks like mad already. 5 weeks old now so they are big enough. Do i just call up the vet and ask him to slip a band on or what? How is this usually done.
I sorta feel like there is something wrong with one of the udders. It just feels off and it never got bigger as the pregnancy developed. Just got bigger on the one side really.
Oh of course. The babies are 4 weeks old now and I have had to supplement the whole time. I am more concerned that this is something genetic and will happen every time she is bred. It may be what determines if she is bred again. I was just looking for reasons this might happen that I can look into.