last night at bunco i had a women ask me if there's any milk left over she would like to try some and maybe buy it.
so that's cool.
Well I have a pygmy doe who's about to have her baby any day and I know she's not going to probably work so I also have an alpine-boer-nubian mix that I got for...
I want mini milkers, I want to provide for my family if theres any extra I have plenty of people who want it but I really thought about it and ya know I see alot of meat goats online and they aren't selling and I don't want to invest not only $$ but the time to them.
My husbands friend is...
Hello I have a friend who's nigi is going to be having her babies in Dec. I want to make these cute little sweaters for her as a X-mas gift.Can anyone tell me about how long there babies can be??? I saw they ususally weigh about 2 lbs. But just needing a guessish about the length. This is her...
No cmjusto I wasn't talkin about you.
I was feelin a little over protective I guess. I need to be more open to comments if I ask for them . I am not a professional goat keeper so until I am I will be a bit more open to suggestions.
Well I have decided to send these boys on there way and I am...
All I am sayin is you did seem a little on the sassy side as resposes go. I want people to be honest but not act mean about it.
As for the breeding just because you can ,I am not one of those type people but your seem to assume that I am.
I will say thanks to you for the " Pasterns"...
Wow you forgot one ,rude.
I know that you have high dollar pedigreed goats but some people just don't. I have seen alot of people who mix breed there goats.
My boer does look terrible in my pic, But he is not overweight and I did trim his hooves and the "pasturns" term you talked about. I...
Becasue the Brown one is a bad boy and gets out and runs around ALL DAY :)
We tried to keep him and his buddy next door alone but they didn't care about the hot wired fence ,because they wanted to be with the ladies. BUT my girls are a mini something nigi or pygmy and the other is a 6mos old...
these are new boys that I am thinking of not keeping.
OBVIOUSLY I am need of help with my stupid pictures ARGGG!!!!
How to delete this POST????
I am doing something wrong on gher somehow but heres the boys I think a boer and an alpine buck.
His pen is out of view but not out of hearing range. I have t-posts and cattle panels and I put hot wire around the top and yes he has a buddy. This is why I think I will have to get him some does to keep him happy NEXT DOOR!!! He has been very well behaved
considering he is a stray and has...
Some parts of it are like 4 feet and others are about 5ish.
He is massive and I am amazed at him just lightly leaping over the fence.
he smashed my 5 foot fence where my girls are it is just standard 5 foot thin fencing.
His weight smashed it.
If I have a girl in there do you think it will keep...
Update--- I got the hot wire, he jumped it until it came out of the insulator. The next morning he was at the girls pen waiting for me to let them in. So feeling defeated ,I did.
The boys overall aren't mean or too skiddish. they follow Gracie and since she follows me I guess it's ok until I...
Yep havein the time of my life this morning ;)
I called got all the info on hot line, I let all the goats out to wander around thinking if my girls cannot escape at least if they are out they can run away from them. The boys seem to follow them so when I try to put them up we will see how fun it...
I need the best and cheapest ideas on how to keep theses new bucks in the pen, I am freaking out right now because they have jumped over my fence and are now in with my girls. Gracie is due in a month, Choula is only around 6 mos,
my girls can't get out they are too small the boys jump and...
ooks like I will be cleaning up the afterbirth too.
Update as of today she has calmed down alot but i still do not trust her to let her out, she may be trying to trick me:lol:
So she's still on lock down.
Good I feel better knowing all of you have to deal with all these goat antics to. Hey anyone got 50 bucks? haha J/K.
Well the plan is to just wait and see, November can't come soon enough now!!
As for the ex ray I took her in and it was about a month or so developed , It looks like a smoky...
OMG She was still bawling at like 1am when I let the dog out......
Ok so I am not going to put her in there with those yucky boys. But can she maybe reacting to their smell? I saw someone else on the cow section that had a cow go into false heats every other month or so , so I wondered if...
My Gracie is driving me insane!!!! I wondered for ever if she was pregnant and then finally broke down and took her to the vet and he did an ex-ray and said that she was just about a month along at the end of July soooo that means end of Nov. baby.
So all of a sudden today she will not stop...
Ok, so i have been saying Snorticus my pygmy is maybe a wether I really now doubt that, he had his face crusty and covered with thick layer of pee, so I really don't want him to be my breeding buck I want my other calmer one to be, sooo
How do I castrate him, band him whatever?
His little sac...