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  1. stitchcounting

    The Food Quiz

    What food would you not ever eat / try? tongue What is the strangest food you've ever eaten? termites (trip to peru) What "exotic" food would you like to try? Cuy aka guinea pig What is the best tasting thing you've eaten this week? chicken alfredo What is the worst tasting thing you've...
  2. stitchcounting

    Answer with a Question

    that depends so they have wheels or hooves? really i never tried goats milk, only cows,soy and almond :ya
  3. stitchcounting

    for $10 would you?...

    nope she can keep that egg for $10 would you sleep in the chicken coop?
  4. stitchcounting

    3 word game

    but never shine
  5. stitchcounting

    Answer with a Question

    goats, for milk or as lawn mowers?
  6. stitchcounting

    5 letters game

    Play Outside Rude Tom Smith J K L B F
  7. stitchcounting


    i would neuter the male pom because thats usually cheaper than spaying. hope this helps
  8. stitchcounting

    Answer with a Question

    did you know i have guinea pigs?
  9. stitchcounting

    NYC boy wanting to life the farm life.

    Born and raised in nyc and feel in love with spinning. I always loved animals . I want a farm upstate to have chickens, corriedale sheep and breed french angoras. lve established a garden in my building. this seems like the perfect place for me to learn about what i wanna do Does any one...