No, just a mutt I guess, we normally have purebred bulls and mixed cows, but I don't know what breed her dad was. (I have pics of both parents if anyone wanted to guess).
I'm sure a new calf isn't as big a deal for someone that has alot of cattle and has calves born all the time, but w/ only...
I've held off on saying anything, I didn't want to jinx myself and lose her, but I'm excited that my tiny herd is finally growing! I now have a grand total of two cows!!!
Well not exactly, I have one cow, one steer, one bull calf, and now a heifer calf! But the bull calf won't be staying and of...
We got it done, and they do look better! She had some abcesses starting so she got some antibiotics and we set up another appointment for three months from now. He said it was probably founder (so yes, it can happen to cows!), I asked about it being genetic, and I guess that's not really...
Thank you, you were all very helpful!
My dad has desided he wants to tag his cows and I thought I would see how everyone here does it so I could suggest some kind of system. I think right now he just wants them to be different then the neighbors. He has a shady neighbor he doesn't trust. And...
May sound stupid, but tell me about ear tags! Do you just tag and number everyone, or do you have some kind of system?
(I'm sure you are going to be tired of me very soon, sorry)
I always warm it, so I'm not worried about that. I'm sure I shouldn't have bought the formula, but we'd just run out of real milk (cow) and had just a few minutes before the feed store was going to close, we were at the vets and the vet said it would cause scours, so dad left to pick it up while...
Thank you for the help! Do you think it would be ok to mix it w/ the formula? (I'd like to use the goat's milk, but don't want to waste the formula, and if I run out of formula I don't want to have any tummy troubles by switching, if I do half and half, the calf will already be use to it).
Well thought I'd let you all know the cow is going to the vet tomarrow morning for a trim. So maybe we can get this under control without any lasting damage. And the calf's feet seem fine, but I guess time will tell!
Thank you everyone, very helpful!
I have alot of goat milk, I thought maybe next year I'd get a bottle calf to raise on it, well next year came early I guess and now I have a bottle calf. My vet said the goat milk would give it scours, so I bought some formula, but I've heard others talk about...
This is not my cow, she is very friendly w/ my dad, and will allow him to handle her. No idea if she's ever been tied. If she'd been laying down she "might" have let me handle her feet, but this is the only time I've ever been close to her and I don't know her at all, she didn't want me to touch...
I don't know how old she is, I'm guessing around 2 1/2, and I don't know for sure how long she's been like this (the first time I ever saw her was when I took these pics), I did ask my dad, but I'm not sure he really knows. He bought her from a friend (and several others) and didn't pick them up...
This is one of my dad's cows, I don't know what is up w/ her feet and thought I'd see if anyone here has any ideas,
Don't know how well you can see in the pics, but the outside toes are normal, the inside toes curl under. So anyone know why they might be doing this? Or if there is anyway to...