If in doubt, I wouldn't.
I haven't used the Hoegger's version, but the Molly's Herbals type actually works. There are 2 formulas of the Mollys - one with wormwood and one without it for pregnant goats.
This may be totally wrong thinking on my part, but could the top 2 and the bottom 2 pictured be 2 sets of twins? Just a stab in the dark since they look sorta alike.
Yeah, he didn't know what to do with himself. :lol:
I'm super surprised this doeling is so nice! Bunny has a lot of Nubian characteristics (including those frosted ears and facial stripes) so when I saw her, she about took my breath. She's a big girl, too!
Bunny kidded this evening to a single doeling! She has a full cape with a white star, plus a patch of brown on her chest. Beautiful! We're letting mama and baby bond tonight, so pictures tomorrow.
We *may* have another one to kid today or tomorrow. Bunny (aka Light Head Doe) has a strutted udder, is walking with stiff back legs, and is off her feed. Her normally lovey personality has changed and now she will shy away when I try to touch her.... which I don't blame her since I've been...
Y'all probably laughed at my southern accent. I hate hearing myself talk because I sound like a hick. :/
Glad you enjoyed the video! I only cut out about 5 mins of the video, so that should give you an estimate how quickly things progressed.
Good sized kids, and I'm biased, but they are beautiful! The buckling is a big boy! I normally don't take newborn weights, but I want to see what he weighs just out of curiosity.
Here are newborn pictures!
She just delivered the placenta and it also has no funky smell, so I'm going to hold off on giving her anything. Thanks everybody!
I *wish* all 3 could have made it, but one would probably have to be bottle raised. Nothing wrong with that, but ya know.
Drama Mama kidded today with twins and another doeling kid that looks to have died early. About 3 weeks ago, I thought she was in labor - she was grunting, had cow flop poo, couldn't get comfortable. That lasted about a day, then she was fine again. So, I wrote it off as something like...