I personally like cold creek minis and cold creek farms. Are you just going to be doing minis or do you do other things? If you do chicken,cows garden ect. It would make more sense for it to be farms or acres
Cami is getting big and her udder is starting to fill pretty good! While I was out in the pen I saw her stretching and pawing some. No up/down, ligaments are still there and easily found no signs of labor. She was bred 3 times last year so she has 3 "due dates". March 6th, March 12th and April's...
@MiniSilkys thank you! I am keeping sarabi and Luigi is being sold as a wether since i don't know what either Charlie(sire) or Lillie passes to the kids so after I see sarabi's freshening I can decide to keep Lillie's bucks as bucks or wethers (if that makes any sense lol)
I can't feel hornbuds...
Weighed the kids today and saw what I believe is a good gain.
As everyone has already read Luigi weighed 3.9 lbs @3days old sarabi weighed 3.5 @3days
Luigi weighed in at 5.5# today (10 days old)
Sarabi weighed in at 5#(10 days old)
look at the eyes lol Luigi is in the back
@MiniSilkys last year all 3 of my does had relatively small teats especially my FF so I am really excited about Lillie lol these 2 weighed 3.5 and 3.9 (sarabi/Luigi) at 3 days old.
Sorry for the goopy hind end. Here is her udder with a 10.5hour fill at 8days fresh. She was easily the most well behaved (besides yelling) doe I've milked. Especially for a FF! She also has much easier teats to milk than any of my other does that I've milked!
(Her teat is fine it's just post...
So excited for morning to come! I'll be milking Lillie for the first time(besides a few squirts am/pm at feeding time). The kids are separated so I'll get to see her with a fill
This pic is of Cami my next doe (hairloss on her nose is from the new hay feeder not lice or mites)
@B&BHappygoats that's awesome. Right now Lillie is really friendly, wanting head rubs,back rubs belly scratches lol I'm just hoping she stays this way.
I put her on the milk stand and milked her (just a few squirts each side seeing as the kids are still so young and I just wanted to see how...
I tried that with her and my doe Cami. Both will only come for food (atleast that's how Lillie was prior to kidding) for the longest while Lillie wouldn't even eat out of my hand and I spent a minimum of an hour everyday with her since she was 8 weeks,offering apples carrots the occasional...
Ok our summers are usually dry.last year and the year before we were in a drought over the summer. We are averaging probably an inch of rain (atleast)daily. Your lilly is by far friendlier than mine lol shesis usually standoffish and only comes for food.that has changed some since she was put in...
So you have a long stretch of crazy coming @B&B Happy goats do you have a lilly as well? It's crazy with all this rain. Can barely get anything done the goats don't want to leave their shelters because of it lol where are you from that it's rainy all summer? Our winter's usually are not this...
Don't worry you will have plenty in just a few short weeks they are content Lillie is being such a good mom it's her ff. She does leave her kids to go to other goats though (walked her from kidding area to the barn because they are currently separate as we were redoing the barn) my mom and...
Right? It's just impossible to love these super cuddly little babies lol I brought them up to the house for my mom to see and they both passed out on her