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    Looks like its time! PICS

    Those are very cute kids you got there!
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    Anyone experience health benefits from drinking raw goat milk?

    What great testimonies, I know when I have fresh goat milk my tummy feels better, and don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but it seems to make me more regular!! Like twice a day regular! Also my husband has noticed this intresting side effect. Good thing I have goats! ah well...
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    Anyone experience health benefits from drinking raw goat milk?

    Well, when in doubt, test your milk and your goats, then you know with clean milking and handling practices you are safe to drink to your hearts content. I find it amazing how much better my body works when I drink my raw goat milk.
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    Urgent: Trouble bottle-feeding new baby goats

    How tramatic is it for the goats to get them to drink? At that age, when they looked so calm chewing cuds and all, not sure it is necessary to stress them out trying to make them drink. Just a thought.
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    Anyone experience health benefits from drinking raw goat milk?

    Everything I read says how wonderful raw goats milk is. Anyone have testimonies of better health from their fresh raw goats milk?
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    Size at 5 months??

    I am going to say they didn't grow from lack of food. We went in on three babies one year with some friends, they had them at their place and for some reason one of them didn't get to eat much, so we went and got her and kept her at our place all by herself, and by fall she was huge! So they...
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    Let's Look at our Different Feeding Practices *GOATS*

    Nice, and you avatar goat is beautiful! It is nice to hear about people who have a more simple approach to goat care. So refreshing, thanks!
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    Let's Look at our Different Feeding Practices *GOATS*

    LOL sometimes I just wonder if we are creating more problems than we are fixing by all the "stuff" we feed them, of course I do not have two gallon a day milkers either, that could be a big difference and we freeze hard in the winter and have dry summers so the worm load is not as bad as other...
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    Let's Look at our Different Feeding Practices *GOATS*

    Boy do I feel stupid! My poor goats get pasture and grass mix hay, loose minerals and kelp. When I milk they get a little three way mix, thats it. So far all my goats are healthy and shiny, of course I expect that to change now after reading all the things you all feed your goats. Hope no...
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    I think organic means WE did not add chemicals directly to the growing produce or animal or whatever. What is already in the ground or water??? Good question.
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    Wow, hope she makes another month!

    We need new pictures, bet she is gigantic!
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    SOOOOOOOOOO Excited! Getting a new buck!

    He is nice! and BIG!
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    Processing Goat Question

    looking forward to trying home raised goat meat, and having one that is evil helps with the attachment issue.
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    Pics of Shackleford Banks Wild Horse

    Awesome pictures, awesome animal!! Lucky you to be that close, neat looking area. I could send you a picture of our desert....sage brush, weeds, lava rocks... LOL
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    Processing Goat Question

    For those who do their own goat processing, do you have to hang and age the meat before cutting and wrapping or do you kill, chill and cut and wrap? I always thought you hung everything to age some, found out today no need to do that with pork, so, do I need to hang my goat? I have one that...
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    New Buckling

    I really love my goats, Nubians and Guernseys for different reasons!! I am in Southern Idaho.
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    Junkprospectors - mini-farm journal

    We have raised turkeys a number of times, one year we didn't butcher one of our BBB's not sure why, but he lived with the chickens all winter, then the next summer he free ranged our yard and was very tame. We called him Chuck and he lived with us until he died of old age around 5 years old...
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    how do i determine if the hay is good quality for the goats?

    Mine have been on pasture all summer, they go nuts for hay in the evenings now.
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    New Buckling

    I have three Nubians for him, I really wanted to keep my Nubians Nubians and Guernseys Guernseys, not Nubians/Guernseys, but either way I am set now. I will probably eventually have a Nubian/Guernsey, but not if I can help it. He is a very sweet little guy..
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    New Buckling

    This is my new Nubian buckling, couldn't resist as the owners needed him gone and made me a fantastic deal. His name is Gandalf the Wonderful, husband named him....He comes from great milking lines, though I couldn't tell you what they are at the moment....... Three months old.