Here is my ONE tomato
And my ONE pepper
And I found this little fellow on the pepper plants this am, I had to get his photo! he was about an inch long!
Can you see him?
Two weeks ago, May 17th to be exact, I planted some tomatoes and peppers in pots. Look how fast they are growing!
May 17th 2011
June 1, 2011
And my new striped Morning Glories are now blooming!!
When a goat gets her hoof in the bucket, I pitch the milk. I usually don't let the bucket get more than a cup or so in it at a time, I pour it in a glass 1/2 gallon jar where it can start to cool down, because of my "cooling" system I invented that holds ice packs next to the jar.
As for raw...
I have a few photos I think are good ones.
Goat Hug
How do you hold on to a kid? With a headlock of course!
Lancelot was determined to get my hat!
This is a nice one of the triplets at sundown.
Shortnin' is Flying!
Countess eating the roof!!
Kissing Through the Fence
We don't have any good way to separate the babies from the moms. What we do is tape up the mom and in a few days the kids get the idea. Plus the moms seem to kick them off as they get older.
It is amazing though how much milk they can get in just a few quick "sips"
The front walk was so pretty yesterday morning I took some photos of it.
I love SPRING!!
Here is a close up of some of the flowers
And I love the way the morning sun shines through the Sunflower leaves. Just imagine how tall they will be in a few weeks!
The other day we found a nest in the ivy, right by the entrance to the carport. The mother is not happy when anyone goes by! She is seldom on the nest, I don't know if the eggs will hatch with her being gone so much of the time. But, here are some photos.
I have yet to have any babies live...
Just compare these Disney Cartoons to a current real life Royal Wedding...
Well, after using Google, I see the cartoons were colorized to matich the Royal Wedding,
It was fun for a few minutes!
The other day I took these photos of my friend's grandson at the goat pen.
Goats Gone Crazy!
Hugging Triplets
Goat Mauling
Getting a hug from "Fern"
Fern is the nicest of kids, she is so friendly! First one to greet people and she complains when anyone leaves.
A friend of mine has her six year old grandson visiting from Hamilton, Canada. He got to fly all by himself! He was so excited!
They were over the other day. He just loves the chickens!
I thought these photos were really cute.
Checking for eggs.
Peeking out the run door.
Brandon had to...
I am such a procrastinator!! Weeks ago, when I found out the baby was to be a girl for sure... I bought all the things needed to make this blanket. I finally put it together on Friday! The baby is now two weeks old! Better late than never I suppose!
I think it is cute, if I do say so my own...