I decided to add some photos of the milking shed here. So you can see what can be done for not too much money. The milking shed was built with discard lumber and free pallets.
Here I am milking Shadow, in the forground you can see the stanchion on the right, then there is a dividing wall made...
The goats I milk, in the center of the enclosure there is a "milking shed" where we are out of the elements while milking. There are two milking stands, , it has a concrete floor.
Being out of the wind, sun and rain is a good thing. The goats seem to be happy to come in the milking shed...
On Friday I visited the Secret Garden of my nextdoor neighbor.
It is such a wonderful place. Right now the Iris is in bloom.
Here are some of the photos I took.
Purple and White.
Tan and White
Pale Lavendar
Deep Purple
Purple and Bronze
That one seemed to glow in the sunlight...
Yesterday (April 26, 2011) had to be one of my busiest days so far!!
It was my milking day, and a friend of mine brought three of her grandsons to see the new baby goats.
There are more photos on this link...
On this day, Yom HaBikurim/Festival of First Fruits/Resurrection Day...
We have an Israeli Hotel style breakfast buffet. Lots of fun food and fellowship.
Here are some photos.
Well, in humans, the spinal deformities are a sign of a lack of Folic Acid in the diet of the mother. I would assume it is the same cause in other mammals.
Check your feed to be sure it has the proper amount of folic acid.
We had a feed company here that wasn't putting enough zinc in the...
This year my husband asked one of the families with four very talented young ladies if they could come up with something to do for the Passover. He left it completely up to them what they would do. And the girls wrote a play! It was so good! They covered all the highlights of the story!
A while back I asked prayer for my brother, who had been in a rollover accident after dozing off at the wheel.
The injuries were much worse than they thought at first. My brother was complaining of still being in a lot of pain. They...
There are two doelings, and one buckling.
One of the doelings looks just like her mom!!
The babies were born on Friday 4-1-11. This was Shadow's fouth kidding, but... she had never nursed her babies! They were taken from her at birth and bottle fed.
The delivery was fast, she cleaned them...
We have a new business in town. Big Frog Custom T-Shirts and More. They will do ONE shirt! Something that is not cost effective with silk screening. This is a "fabric ink jet printer" It is great!! I wish I had one!!!
They are great!! No set up charges, under $20.00 with tax!
Here is a...
We had the same thing this last week!! The kids (Triplets) were born last Friday.
Shadow, a previous "Show" goat, had never nursed her babies! They were taken from her at birth. She was milked by hand or machine. This was her fourth freshening, she cleaned up the kids great,
When we came back...
Today I went to visit Ironwood Ranch today. They raise Nigerian Dwarf Goats.
I was greeted at the door with 2, week old kids.
Then one was put in my arms. They are just too cute!
There are three kids being bottle fed.
Here they are in the house.
They have a very nice set up, I should...
Once and a while the milk goats will tip the grain dish and shower me and the milk stand with grain. Of course the older goats don't seem interested in the spilled grain.
This is Gracie and Joe, eating the spilled grain on the milkstand,
for them this is a great treat!
That is a sad story! We had a goat, that was fine with her kids, but just refused to be milked! She got sold as a "lawnmower" on a 1200 acre ranch. So sorry about your new calf!
I do hope some one can answer your question. I don't have much experience with Collies. A neighbor had one once that would "herd" the kids into a tight group and not let them "escape".
It was funny but, some kids would get scared.
I do know not all dogs, within a breed will "do" what most...