Had a 4yo cow have a nice bull calf 5 days ago. She loved on the calf, but would just not stand still for him to nurse. Thought she was just upset because we were there. Left her alone. Calf was up and walking around. Looked like the calf had nursed so the pair were turned out.
2 days later DH finds the calf laid out flat. Brings the pair back into the barn.
Calf is dehydrated and chilled. Get some electrolytes in him. He perks up some.
cow will not stand still for him to nurse. Put her in the head catch and get the calf to nurse her. She's trying to get out and switching her tail.
Yesterday got 2.5 pints of whole milk into the calf. He really perks up. Try to get him on the dam again. Still won't stand still.
Kick her out and bring in my milk cow. She stands still for him. Going to get him on her.
I want to try the dam one more time. Big mistake. Cow kicked him several times and broke his neck. Found it out this morning when the vet examined him. Thought he had developed pnuemonia.
Calf was put down and cow gets a one way trip to the sale barn.
2 days later DH finds the calf laid out flat. Brings the pair back into the barn.
Calf is dehydrated and chilled. Get some electrolytes in him. He perks up some.
cow will not stand still for him to nurse. Put her in the head catch and get the calf to nurse her. She's trying to get out and switching her tail.
Yesterday got 2.5 pints of whole milk into the calf. He really perks up. Try to get him on the dam again. Still won't stand still.
Kick her out and bring in my milk cow. She stands still for him. Going to get him on her.
I want to try the dam one more time. Big mistake. Cow kicked him several times and broke his neck. Found it out this morning when the vet examined him. Thought he had developed pnuemonia.
Calf was put down and cow gets a one way trip to the sale barn.