I really don't know anything about rabbits. Except I think they are cute. I would imagine it is best to keep the dog away from the rabbits. The rabbits probably don't feel real safe with a preditor just outside the cage.
I know once people start to post on this thread, you will find they are...
Here are some photos from last Friday. I finally had some time to reduce the photos.
Elizabeth, age 4 "helping to suction"
(Of course, he is not in any need of suction at this time!)
Elizabeth holding "Little Joe"
Countess (mom) nudging Little Joe to get up.
Still trying....
Still not...
He was two days late, but he is just the cutest little thing!!
The sun was in my eyes, and the baby was attempting to nurse on my chin and it tickled
I'll post some more photos later I have to fix dinner now.
Well, the udders don't always look like that... those are really full for the purpose of showing a nicely developed udder size on such small goats.
They walk just fine.
We have some friends that have show goats, and are serious breeders. Here are some udder photos of some of their girls.
Their goats have some of the largest udders I have ever seen!!
They are all real cutie pies!! Our last twins we named, George and Gracie. You might think of some "duo" type names.
If you have a "theme" like say flowers, or victorian names, etc. that makes naming a bit easier.
Hope to see lots of photos too!!
I still live in the city... But... I have 6 hens, and help a friend by milking her goats one day a week to give her a day off.
I am feeling pretty blessed to be able to "pretend" I have a farm life!!
And I just turned 60...still thinking I can one day move...
I put my heat lamp on in the chicken coop when it gets close to 32 here. Which is not that often in Tucson AZ. But, it brings the coop up to 40 degrees.
Tonight it will be in the low 40's. And two of the girls are deciding to sleep on a chair in the run rather than go in the coop!
I worry...
Why is the head doe being so bossy? there are four female goats, two are pregnant, one is about 6 months old, and then there is the "Head" doe. She is being so rude lately to all the other three!
Do they go through "phases" where they think they have to be more "bossy" than normal? She is...
Today I finished an apron for my grand daughter Jodi, age three!!
I think it turned out cute, I want to make one for myself out of this fabric.
Here are some photos of it.
I think the design will make it good for use in both the kitchen and the garden.
It has SEVEN pockets!
One can't have...
Last week whille we were in CA. My neighbor fed and watered the chickens, and even got a couple of eggs!
Yesterday I got a phone call from her saying she wanted to give me one of the eggs back. "It won't crack! We dropped it on the floor and it still won't crack!" I was puzzled so we met over...