Yesterday my husband requested a special dinner and invited friends over. He designed the menu, and I executed his expressed desires for how he wanted everything made. It was indeed a SPECTACULAR meal!
Here is a combination of a post from a forum he belongs to, with added photos and comments by...
This is a pretty small private school, about 25 students from kindergarden to middle school age. The goat pen is between two private schools. Both schools have let the kids come and watch the goats give birth, they bring students over regularly to learn how to milk. When the kids are small the...
Now that three of the goats were sold last week, (they are now lawnmowers on over 1200 acres about an hour south of here), the head goat "Shortnin" is thinking she has to reestablish her position in the herd for some reason.
I took these photos the other day after milking.
Here she is getting...
I would love to see your duck pond.
This is where I want to live... They are from my screen saver..
This one has ducks on the pond
This one would be good for goats.
They both have lots of land for a great farm behind them in my imagination.
Well, here is my "NO CHICKENS!" husband feeding our newest chicks. Our first chickens he would call "Taco, Nuggets, etc..."
On Saturday afternoon he went out and said "Hi Girls" and they came right over to him. He had me pick something from the garden so he could give them something to eat...
I suppose glass has it's drawbacks, extra work for making sure they are sterile. But, it is the BEST.
Maybe you could do some research on how the "old time" dairies worked with glass bottles, maybe there is some old equilpment available for not too much money.
I'd do a paper carton over...
It was a sort of sad day today. Lancelot, Dutchess and her son George went off to a new home. The new owner says their names are now "Lawnmover."
They will have a job of keeping over 1200 acres free of overgrown weeds and grasses. I know they will have a nice life out in the wide open...
That is interesting. I am finding it is not that easy to "dry off" some of these does. We have one that is due to kid in Jan. and we are trying to dry her off, but at times she is just dripping milk, so we milk her a bit to help her not be uncomfortable. Trying to milk her every other day...
She is from a very "productive" line. Her Great Grandmother had 6 kids at once! And was able to nurse them all! Her grandmother is very "milky" gives over a gallon a day. Her mother on the other hand, we may never know how much she give since she will kick you when you try to touch her udder...
We have a nice sturdy chainlink fence about 6 feet tall. with railroad ties and big river stones and concrete at the bottom to keep preditors from digging under the fence. This fall we plan to plant some Sunchokes around the outside of the fence. The leaves are edible, and it will give some...
Since we have a doe that refuses to be milked, we decided that we would start very early getting her doeling kid used to the milkstand and being milked from an early age. So after milking the other goats, we stand her on the stand, give her a bit of grain, and "pretend" to milk her. Only thing...
I am no goat expert to be sure... but... from the time I have spent in the "goat pen" and seen how destructive these critters can be... I would make an enclosure for the goats. They poop and pee any where, anytime they feel like it. And they like people, so your patio would be where they would...
The Hawk is now coming to the birdbath several times a day.
It appears to like cooling off it's feet in the nice cool water.
There may be a pair of them.
I got one of it taking off
I missed a great photo last week... I came out the back door, not really paying any attention, just in time...