Should I fence them IN a pen or OUT of the garden?


Just born
Oct 12, 2010
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I am getting two Nigerian doelings and plan on fence-building this weekend.

I have two ideas: fence off an area for them to live in full time or fence off the garden and the fruit trees so they can't eat my plants.

I live in the suburbs and have a completely fenced backyard. This fence would be to divide the backyard further.

If I fence off the garden then the goats would have free access to the rest of the yard, including the patio where we like to eat dinner in the summer. Is this going to be a problem?

Also, do I need to be worried about the goats damaging the house? The house has stucco siding if that makes a difference. I'm considering using the wall of the house as one side of their pen to save on fencing and give them some extra room. Bad idea?

One final question: Since they are Nigerians, I'm assuming I can use a shorter fence than for other goats. Is 4 feet tall enough?

Thanks in advance for the advice. I'm looking forward to getting to know people!


Loving the herd life
Sep 1, 2010
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Just make sure it is nice and sturdy. Use lots of t-posts.

Goats can be a little over friendly, so the patio would be a problem. They will climb all over it and climb on your nice tables and chairs that are out there.

Goats can do damage to anything. They tear the bark off of trees, so they might hurt your house, too. They don't seem to be very hard on our barn so mabey it will be okay.

What you could do is fence off the garden and stuff and then fence the patio off as well to keep them off of it.

Goats are just like dogs, accept that they can cause you more trouble.

Another thing to consider is where you would like the poop to be. The goats will poop everywhere.

They will also tear up all of your grass if you don't have enough of it.

I would build them a pen with a shelter that is away from the house, just to be safe and just let them out when you are home.

Be sure to give them lots to play with, so they won't get bored and cause trouble.


Loving the herd life
Mar 6, 2010
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Tucson Arizona
I am no goat expert to be sure... but... from the time I have spent in the "goat pen" and seen how destructive these critters can be... I would make an enclosure for the goats. They poop and pee any where, anytime they feel like it. And they like people, so your patio would be where they would perfer to hang out.

So unless you like sweeping up goat droppings every few hours ( I deal with seven goats, so it seems someone is pooping or peeing constantly!!

I did recently see the neatest thing for goats. It is a tower. I will post a link to it here. It is great! And it wouldn't be that hard to build something like it I am sure.

There are three goat towers in the world, that anyone knows about that is ... Maybe you could be the fourth?


Ridin' The Range
Aug 23, 2010
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expect them to lay on your table and chairs and to dine w/ you!! If they are friendly they will force an invite to dinner!

the will also poop on the table and patio..

If you enjoy your backyard and patio I say give them their own fenced off field w/ shelter,, if not what is yours will also be their:)

Dont go for the cheaper wire fencing cause they will rub on it and climb and after time it will just bend and break... Save yourself money and time and just buy the better stuff!

Emmetts Dairy

Loving the herd life
Jul 25, 2010
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New Hampshire
:frow WELCOME!!!

I would give them their own fenced in space for sure. I think in the long run you'll all be happier. They are curious and friendly animals and they will definatly take over your patio and you will be stepping in goat poop everywhere. And I dont think you would enjoy that while having dinner outside! Which would be impossible to do with them there. They would be on your table as you were setting it.

They need boundries for certain. If you let them run amuk...they will :weee

They can so serious damage the house and windows if at their level...and seriously hurt themselves too...Fence them for sure!!

Good luck...and definatley get the heavier fencing. It will save you in the long run. Cuz you will just be replacing the cheaper stuff and chasing goats all around!! :gig

Thats my thought anyway!!


Just born
Oct 12, 2010
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Thank you for all of the advice so far!

I think I will build them a pen, if only to keep them off of the patio furniture. You guys convinced me already.

Emmett's Dairy, could you explain more how they could damage the house? There are no windows on that side of the house or any sort of trim. It's just a blank stucco wall-- but a really important wall since it is part of my house! I don't think there is any way for them to get a foothold to climb or anything to chew, but I will defer to better judgment if others have experience.

As far as fencing, would a picket fence be okay? Since this is part of my yard I'd like something sort of decorative. Also, picket fencing comes in 8' panels, which seems easier. I think it is only 4' tall though.

Thanks again for the help. I want my goats to have a good introduction to their new home.


Overrun with beasties
May 30, 2009
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I have all 3 fences! LOL I have a privacy fence around our backyard, a fenced in pen in one portion of the backyard, AND a fence around my garden and wrapping around individual fruit trees! Overkill? Perhaps but it's nice to let them out in the yard to roam without having to worry and still have a pen so they aren't bugging us when we're working on something, eating or having a campfire.

I used woven wire fencing with t-posts. I don't think a wooden picket fence will keep them out or in for very long.


Overrun with beasties
Jul 29, 2009
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As far as damage to your house wall is concerned, they will rub against it causing dirty marks, put their hooves up on it, muddy or dirty feet, wont take long before it looks awful.

A picket fence, I don't think is a good idea, they will probably chew on the wood, damage the fence by doing so, if the fence is painted, who knows what the paint they ingest may do to them! Almost certainly they will try to get their head through the gaps and get stuck.

Not a good idea in MHO.

Emmetts Dairy

Loving the herd life
Jul 25, 2010
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New Hampshire
First its great there will be no windows in that area. Goats use their head to do alot, play, fight, try to escape, romance etc etc...but being a cement wall that may be okay. But as Warthog said they will make a mess of it.

I knew a women who let her goats roam amuck in the yard and they rammed into her house and broke the sideing and broke the screen door. One broke a window and got cut pretty badly on the broken glass. Granted she was not very responsible and complained about their behavior. Which annoyed me..becuase as the animal owners we should know better. So thats why I say that. If they know your in the house and can see or hear you..they usually wanna be with thats why they were doing my opinion anyway.

I too, dont think a picket fence will keep in a goat. Dont get me wrong. I am a goat enthusist!! I love em...but I know there behavoir. They are curious creatures and love to wander...and they can get themselves in trouble alot...injuries, poisonings my best advice...would be to make a area just for them with shelter. Bring them out to visit, lead train them etc...but give them thier own space.

I have Toggenbergs which are a larger dairy breed. And I have trained some to pack. My husband and I take them hiking with us...its fabulous. They are wonderful animals...and very they need toys etc..Im a firm believer in giving them jobs. Like packing etc...cuz they get board etc...and get themselves in trouble!! :gig

This is what I do for my guys. They have a fenced in area connected to the barn so they can come and go...I take them out alot with me...but they do have a confined space to go to when I am not around to supervise!!

Have fun with them...I hope it works out..whatever you choose...You have to do what works best for you!!!!


Loving the herd life
Mar 6, 2010
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Tucson Arizona
We have a nice sturdy chainlink fence about 6 feet tall. with railroad ties and big river stones and concrete at the bottom to keep preditors from digging under the fence. This fall we plan to plant some Sunchokes around the outside of the fence. The leaves are edible, and it will give some shade and wind protection.

I vote for very sturdy, non chewable fencing. Chainlink might not be so pretty, but it keeps them from escaping.

If your house is stucco, they will have holes in the walls in no time!

When they play they bump into things, and butt into things. We have Nubians, which are bigger goats than you plan on getting.
At times when I am milking in the shed, I could swear they are going to knock it down. Thankfully it is a very strong building!

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