Search results

  1. Rebbetzin

    Lavaneh ~ Cheese Balls in Olive Oil

    Glad they turned out well for you. Mine never last very long. But, I have yet to have them go "goatie" on me.
  2. Rebbetzin

    Lavaneh ~ Cheese Balls in Olive Oil

    We have one due the end of this month. She usually has triplets.
  3. Rebbetzin

    Heaven on Earth!!

    In the winter, it is equally as beautiful... Of course my daughter takes great photos too!
  4. Rebbetzin

    Heaven on Earth!!

    My daughter and her husband recently moved to a new home. They live in Eagle Colorado. This is the walking path that runs behind their home, where they go walking most evenings.
  5. Rebbetzin

    My New Doelings!!!

    Very Pretty!! Look just like our "Countess".
  6. Rebbetzin

    Is it ususual for a goat to still be in milk over a yr. after kidding?

    I have experienced milking from a goat that wasn't bred for way over a year, and still gave a good amount of milk. I would assume, the more often you milk them, the more they will produce, up to a point. Alpines are known for good milk producers.
  7. Rebbetzin

    Fluttervale's Farming Dreams

    I, too, dream of having more land and a more rural life. As it is now, I get to milk a friends goats, once a week, and keep four chickens here at home. I try to be content living in the desert. I would much rather live on Prince Edward Island!!
  8. Rebbetzin

    Winter is Officially Over!!

    Tortoises hybernate in the winter. They go 'underground' if they have built a tunnel system like Zoop has. For many years he used to come in the house and hybernate in my bedroom under my dresser. Then one summer he built a den for himself in the side yard. He goes into hybernation sometime in...
  9. Rebbetzin


    ChickenPotPie, those look great!!! Good job!!
  10. Rebbetzin

    Any Dean Koontz Fans Here?

    I was so happy when I picked up the mail today! I got a personal note from Dean Koontz giving his permission to share his answer to Why did the Chicken Cross the Road? Here is the front of the card.. And here is the inside granting me permission... And this is his answer to..... Why Did...
  11. Rebbetzin

    Daisy Finally Gave Birth!!! *~!*~PICS ADDED~*!~*

    Oh my he is cute!! LOVE the ears!!!
  12. Rebbetzin

    Winter is Officially Over!!

    You can keep your Groundhog... Here at my house we rely on Zoop to tell us when Winter is over.
  13. Rebbetzin

    Sprouted grains as winter supplement?

    I never have tried to sprout corn, I use wheat mostly, and sometimes alfalfa for my chickens. They seem to like it. So does my tortoise.
  14. Rebbetzin

    Nubian x Boer as milkers?

    We have one doe that is Nubian x Alpine x Boer Just to give you an idea of how such a goat looks compared to strictly purebreds of the three different breeds. Her ears stick out like airplane wings! She is the best of milkers!Nice large Teats. She can give about a gallon a day for a few...
  15. Rebbetzin

    Our Infant Son Has Brain Cancer- HOME AGAIN!!!

    I'd find another Dr. that would give you a referral to St. Jude's.
  16. Rebbetzin

    Nubian Roman nose question...

    I assume, like with all of creation, genetic differences will cause each individual to look a bit different. I have been to a few Nubian births, and the kids just have a "smaller" version of their parents heads. Here are a couple of "head" photos of some new Nubian kids This one is Mama and...
  17. Rebbetzin

    Our Infant Son Has Brain Cancer- HOME AGAIN!!!

    This morning during services I will be asking for special prayers for Spencer and all of you there. May the Holy One in His infinite mercy and love grant you courage and peace during this very difficult time.