Our Infant Son Has Brain Cancer- HOME AGAIN!!!


Chillin' with the herd
Jan 15, 2011
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I am praying for you and your family. And I have a book that I thought I would recommend called "Natural strategies for cancer patients" By Dr.Russell Blaylock. Here is a quote from his introduction:

During the past thirty years of treating cancer patients,I have observed that often the treatment is worse than the cancer. This is especially so with childhood cancers involving the brain because the few children who survive their cancers are left severely impaired neurologically and cognitively. This loss of intellectual function is a direct result of the treatment...

In this book, I not only explain the mechanism of this protection of normal cells and the enhanced killing of cancer cells, but also outline practical ways to apply this knowledge to individual patients. This includes a discussion of the factors that increase the likelihood of a good outcome versus a poor outcome, such as diet and a specially designed supplementation program

If you want a video link pm me.



Loving the herd life
Jul 5, 2011
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Father God heal Spencer and give his parents PEACE and wisdom....

BTW.... if you can handle all the work of caring for your herd..... its ok to keep them or some of them and enjoy life and something fun during this tough time... IF you can. I pray that Spencer is 100% healed. I am currently in KANSAS CITY praying for you... I am here with my seriously ill grandson.... I understand... and I am praying for you


Ridin' The Range
May 12, 2010
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Been a long few days.... We had the permanent shunt put in. Spencer is so irritable and unhappy, he now has thrush in his mouth to top it all off. His physical function is so bad, he can only move one leg. THIS IS NOT WHAT THE DOCTORS SAID WOULD HAPPEN!!!!

They said he would regain more function than ever.... they said he would be better.... I feel like I have purposely hurt my baby and ruined his time left alive... He is motionless... So far from where he was before all the surgeries it is heart crushing. I am a horrible disgusting parent to have allowed this to happen to my BABY! All we wanted was his quality of life to be good. It's not quality when he is screaming in pain and frustration...

I just couldn't say no to the almighty doctors promising miracles... I have let him down. I don't deserve him, and he doesn't deserve a parent like me. I can't describe the way I feel looking in his eyes.... He is so depressed and sad. He doesn't understand why he cant move his limbs anymore. I watch videos from just weeks ago of him playing and scooting and laughing and I just sob and hate myself. WHY did I do this to him????

I read the pathology report today....there was NO DEFINATIVE RESULT!!!! They have NO idea what it really is!! it has none of the classic signs of any of the types of cancers they look for, yet several of the small signs suggest many different kinds of cancers, but not enough to actually name the cancer. The first line of the report says " this is a difficult and challenging case"!!!! Then goes on to say all the results are only "suggestive" of pilocytic astrocytoma. But with atypical attributes of unknown clinical relevance.

So even the so called experts don't have a clue!! I demanded the samples be sent to another bigger lab for a second opinion before I will consent to any chemo treatment.

I don't even want to do chemo....but I'm scared NOT to. Docs say the biopsy has opened up the tumor so now cancer cells are running loose in his body so chemo is needed NOW to stop any other tumors from growing. They never told us that could happen!

BUT, the pathology report said it is a slow growing tumor, so if it took 15 months to get as big as it is, how can a few days make any difference???? I've never been so confused or angry with myself.... my poor baby is suffering because I made choices for him. I don't believe anything the doctors say anymore. They lied to us about the pathology report too...told us the opposite of what was in it.

Sorry to have rambled on like that, didn't mean to freak out, but I am so upset, so hurt....

I try not to freak out on the doctors, but they keep avoiding my questions, keep telling me half truths and keep pushing so so so hard. I wish I had more faith in them, I wish they would be honest. If they have no clue, they should tell me that! Not give me false hope and fake promises.

I mean, what would you do if you had no other options, nowhere else to get medical care, and had 5 other kids, a limited budget, and little real support in the home?? I am an absolute wreck. All I want to is to go back in time and never do the first surgery. I want to live in ignorance and just been able to wake up with either my baby healthy and normal, or to him having passed away in his sleep in the comfort of our arms in our bed...


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
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Middleburg, VA
Oh Pride,

Now it's time to regroup. Get some rest, you are emotionally and physically wrought, as is well understood. You need your strength to forge ahead and be able to hold it together. I understand your frustrations and anxiety, but nothing is YOUR FAULT! Everyone of us would have been led by what advice or glimmer of hope the physicians would have given us. Every one of us! We would have done the same as you. The Doctors responsibility is to try everything to keep him alive, weigh their options and make the best choices for the child. But they are not God. They can only do so much. This is unknown territory for everyone involved. Do not be hard on yourself for trusting in them, they are supposed to be the experts and we can all understand that given a glimmer of hope, you put your faith in their hands.

I am so so sorry, so terribly sorry for you and Spencer and your family. Know that the whole world is praying for you and Spencer, do not give up now. You will find the strength to carry on and make it through this challenge.

My thoughts are with you and Spencer. :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina
Please Pride- DO NOT ALLOW YOUR ADVERSARY TO WEAR YOU DOWN! please do not speak ill of yourself, keep your eyes, thoughts, mind on the L-rd. Every thought that comes up that is not edifying or life giving CAST IT DOWN..it has no place in you.

2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Sending love and prayers :hugs


Loving the herd life
Mar 6, 2010
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Tucson Arizona
This morning during services I will be asking for special prayers for Spencer and all of you there. May the Holy One in His infinite mercy and love grant you courage and peace during this very difficult time.


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
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Northeast Mississippi
Bridge and Southern have already said what I was going to say...doctors are human and don't know everything...they base their opinions on their best guess that comes from years of learning and experience...every case is different.

Never blame yourself...had that surgery brought good results, you would be so happy that you agreed to it...we are human also...you did your best in deciding what to do.

Don't give up on him...focus on the Great Healer...keep your faith, and remember that so many people are praying hard for him and you and your family :hugs

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