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  1. Rebbetzin

    Will I Ever Get Used To This?

    Yes, it does weird out most people, and makes one a "finder". My husband will call me and say "Call so and so, and see what is going on." or "Go to such and such a place and see why we need to go there. (Mostly 2nd hand stores, he restores vintage audio gear and speakers.) Many times I find...
  2. Rebbetzin

    Will I Ever Get Used To This?

    I too am known for my Brisket!! Here is my recipe for Corned Beef Heidi's World Famous Corned Beef 1 Large Beef Brisket Zip Lock Bag Glaze Mixture 1 jar...
  3. Rebbetzin

    Will I Ever Get Used To This?

    I would LOVE to leave Tucson!!
  4. Rebbetzin

    Will I Ever Get Used To This?

    Kentucky is a bit out of our neighborhood.
  5. Rebbetzin

    Will I Ever Get Used To This?

    Living with my husband is interesting at times... You would think after almost 20 years of marriage, I would get used to his "knowing" things he can't possibly know, but somehow does. Last night about 7:15pm, Rich says "I feel like having Grouper." (a type of fish that I have never seen here...
  6. Rebbetzin


    We live in a valley, with pretty high mountians all around us. Mt. Lemmon is about 10,000 feet. The mounitans get snow for sure when it rains in the winter, but down here we don't see it very often, once every few years we get some, but it never sticks more than a few hours.
  7. Rebbetzin


    Rather than type in and post what I just put on my blog. I will save wear and tear on my old fingers and just give you the link if anyone would like to see the Snow we had in the desert this week.
  8. Rebbetzin

    Snow on my wild violets

    It was snowing here in Tucson!!
  9. Rebbetzin

    Meatloaf Surprise (PIX)

    Now that the chickens are laying again, I put some to good use... I am calling it "Meatloaf Surprise"
  10. Rebbetzin

    Our Infant Son Has Brain Cancer- HOME AGAIN!!!

    Oh my goodness! Just saw this thread. My prayers are going up for a complete recovery! I was thinking of the Pediatric Cancer Charity by Danny Thomas, City of Hope. I don't know if you are near any of their hospitals, but they may be able to help you with chemo treatments. And they advertise...
  11. Rebbetzin


    I went back and looked at all the previous posts. It was a while ago now that I posted my soap labels. I came up with a new label for Travel size soaps. The goats went on a "vacation" and it fits right into a "Travel" theme.
  12. Rebbetzin

    Anne of Green Gables fans

    Do you guys remember last July my daughter and I vacationed on Prince Edward Island? Well, my daughter got finished putting together a couple of videos of some highlights of our trip here is the link.. There are two videos and a...
  13. Rebbetzin

    Habenero Harvest!

    I have babied these peppers all winter. Since it will soon be time for the plants start growing again, I figured I'd get the peppers off the plants.
  14. Rebbetzin


    Yes, it is possible... And lye can be dangerous. You need to wear good hand and face protection in case of splashes. (Don't ask how I know!) Many craft stores have a section with soap making supplies, and there are tons of suppliers on the web. Here are some links on making soap without...
  15. Rebbetzin

    Abundance of violets??

    I make them to put on little cakes. They are "ok" not my favorite thing to eat...They taste like a violet smells. Flowery, do you rememeber "Sen-Sen"? It was said to be licorice flavor... but it always tasted like soap to me. I just read up on it.. and...
  16. Rebbetzin

    Abundance of violets??

    I have been looking for ways to preserve the many violets I have this year. There was an interesting book I got at the Library on "Flower Pounding" Here is my first attempt at Flower Pounding. I used watercolor paper. and I am planning to use it as a bookmark. And then there is always the...
  17. Rebbetzin

    This egg is way tooo big!

    So far only single yolks. I wonder if it was a fertile egg, would the chick be any bigger? We aren't allowed roosters here in the city.
  18. Rebbetzin

    Serving Lavaneh (PIX)

    I finally got a photo of my Lavaneh and French Bread Toasts! I am so happy I got a special pan for making French Bread! It works great!! Now I can make my own little "toasts" for serving my cheeses.
  19. Rebbetzin

    This egg is way tooo big!

    I have one chicken that consistantly lays eggs that are too big for any carton or tray.
  20. Rebbetzin

    My girls at 10 days old

    Aren't baby goats just the cutest of animals?