Will I Ever Get Used To This?


Loving the herd life
Mar 6, 2010
Reaction score
Tucson Arizona
Living with my husband is interesting at times...
You would think after almost 20 years of marriage,
I would get used to his "knowing" things
he can't possibly know, but somehow does.

Last night about 7:15pm, Rich says "I feel like having Grouper."
(a type of fish that I have never seen here in the Grocery stores)
I said "Nobody in town has Grouper."
He said, "Call Uri at Rincon Market."

Uri is the local "One and Only Official Fish Monger" in Tucson.
But, I have never even seen Grouper at Rincon Market.
(a local specialty Grocery and Deli)

I said "Uri won't be working this time of night, and besides,
I don't think he has any Grouper either."

Rich says "Just call him."

So, I get on the phone to Rincon Market, I ask if anyone is still at the Meat Counter.
The girl says "Yes, hold on."
And lo and behold, Uri answers the phone!

I ask if he has any Grouper, He says "Yes, it just came in 20 minutes ago,
the truck was very late tonight." I told him we would be right over.

When we got to Rincon Market, I discovered from chatting with Uri,
that he had been trying for about two months to get some Grouper,
and it "just so happened" to arrive just as Rich was getting a taste for it!!

Here is what I call "Rich's Glorious Grouper"

He sauted the fish in Olive Oil, and butter with a sauce made with Lemon,
Dill, Balsamic Vinegar and sprinkled with Candied Sliced Almonds

Served with Trader Joe's Beer Battered Vidalia Onion Rings,
Homemade Potato salad and Cole slaw with Ranch Dressing.

It was quite yummy!!


True BYH Addict
Sep 3, 2009
Reaction score
McIntosh County, OK
I am fortunate to have had my daughter convert to Judism and marry a fantastic Jewish man.

She has learned to cook all the yummy Jewish food and does all the holidays.

You should taste her brisket.



Loving the herd life
Mar 6, 2010
Reaction score
Tucson Arizona
DonnaBelle said:
I am fortunate to have had my daughter convert to Judism and marry a fantastic Jewish man.

She has learned to cook all the yummy Jewish food and does all the holidays.

You should taste her brisket.

I too am known for my Brisket!!
Here is my recipe for Corned Beef

Heidi's World Famous Corned Beef

1 Large Beef Brisket

Zip Lock Bag Glaze Mixture
1 jar Apricot jam
Pickling Spices 1.5 to 3 oz pkg 1 cup Brown Sugar
Salt and Pepper to taste
Vinegar 1/4 to 1/2 cup 1 jar Whole Seed or Course ground Mustard
(any prepare mustard will work)
Brown Sugar 1/2 cup

Salt 2 - 3 TBS


Put the Pickling Spices, Vinegar, Sugar, Salt and Water (enough so meat is sitting in liquid marinade)

Leave in refrigerator for 3 to 7 days, Turn Meat in Ziplock Bag twice a day)

When you are ready to cook the meat:
Rinse spices off meat. Pat meat dry with paper towels,
Sear meat until well browned on both sides.
Put meat in a large cooking bag, top with Glaze mixture listed above..

Bake at 350 for about an hour,
Then turn down heat to 250-225 and cook for 4 to 5 hours,
Checking frequently to make sure the glaze is not burning.

Take meat out, drain juices into a pan,, let meat cool, slice (an electric knife works best)
Heat juices in pan to boiling point, pour on top of the meat,
put meat back in oven on "keep warm" until serving time.

If desired just before serving apply more glaze to top and put under broiler for a short time
to crystalize the glaze on the top of the meat....

If you want leftovers to use for other things, (knishes, hash etc...) Put some to the side
before you serve it... because usually depending on the size of the gathering...
you never have any left!!


Overrun with beasties
May 31, 2011
Reaction score
WV - Eastern Panhandle
I am a knower. It weirds the snot out of my husband sometimes. I get it from my mother. She and I will be trying to call each other at the same time about the same thing ALL THE TIME. And I know it has saved my life at least once.

But being a knower also makes you a finder. I always know when I need to turn into Goodwill or go to this auction RIGHT NOW. etc.

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