These are all bucklings. Yesterday Countess had one of each, named.... are you ready...
Wesley and Buttercup!
I will post more photos later, have to get to the goat pen, one more mama (Shadow) still to kid, hopefully today!
It is not often I get my husband out to the goat pen!
Here he is trying to make Shortnin' feel better.
She looks so miserable! A few sporatic contractions this afternoon.
Her due date is today.
The Nastutiums are looking so pretty, especially with the purple verbena.
I am thinking of putting in more native plants in the garden to help with my high water bills.
Here are Desert Honeysuckle and Scarlet Penstemon
Shortnin's mom once had SIX kids at once!! And they ALL lived!!
Last time, Shadow had triplets,
And Countess had one buckling.
I just hope they aren't all black, the sire was a solid black Nubian.
It will be hard to tell them apart if they all turn out to be the same color!
Shortnin', Countess and Shadow were all bred within two days of each other.
But they are sure different in size! All three due to kid, April 7th or 8th.
Shadow and Countess
Actually, that phrase is always misinterpreted to mean, our blood relationships are to be closer than other other relationships we have.
But, the phrase means just the opposite. It originally meant.....The one with whom you share a "blood covenant" relationship, is to be closer than the...
I wish they were my biological kids, but they are part of our congregation. But that counts as "family", since many times we find ourselves closer to our "spiritual" families than we do to our "bio" families.
Dad was beaming! He loves his kids sooooooooooo much, there are soon to be seven children in that family! Five girls, one boy, we are all hoping for a baby brother. Too soon to tell yet.
This last Shabbat/Saturday was the Bat Mitzvah!
Here she is being blessed before her reading.
She did most WONDERFULLY!! You could hear her on the back row!
We were all so proud of her!
Here she is practicing her speech before the Party.
One of the high points of her party that...
Nope, it is all mine...
Heidi?s Challah
3 eggs
5 to 6 cups of Bread Flour
(Amount of Flour depends on Humidity)
3/4 cup of Sugar
2 tsp. of Salt
? cup of Water (very warm)
1 cup water
2 pkgs. or approx 2 TBS of yeast
First "proof"...
I use an old iron frying pan, no oil needed. Adding herbs would make a very nice Matzah, not Kosher for Passover, but, any other time of the year would be great.
Do you mean Matzah, like for Passover?
I do make a matzah type cracker, I just grind some wheat in my Vitamix, add water, roll it out pretty thin,
and cook it in a hot pan on the stove.
My husband likes that kind best. Nice and warm still kind of soft.
I sure will!
It is an old Chabad recipe that I "tweeked" a bit.
You are quite welcome. The Challah was a real treat in the olden days. since during the week we
ate the dense, hard wheat breads. Challah was a taste of heaven on earth.
Yesterday my Bat Mitzvah student made her first Challah! I was so impressed with how well this 11 soon to be 12 year old was able to read the directions on braiding the six stranded Challah and do it just perfect her first try! Many adults stuggle with a six stranded braid. I am so very proud...
One of my first baby chicks from 2008, Lady Rosalind died today. She was fine, her comb was a bit pale, but it does that from time to time, so I wasn't concerned. Yesterday for some quite unknown reason, when I put new water in the pen, I picked her up and told her she was a good chiken.