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  1. Rebbetzin

    In Labor one week later Pics

    I'll be going through this waiting game the first week in April. for a safe delivery, and healthy kids, and asking for little does!
  2. Rebbetzin

    What have you done with your pallets? =D

    My friend and her daughter built this milking and birthing area for their three milk goats, using free pallets and some plywood they "scrounged" from different places. I think they did a great job! Side view of Milking Shed. Northside of Milking Shed Inside of Milking Shed. Goat...
  3. Rebbetzin

    First Strawberry of the Season (pix)

    We finally had breakfast at 1:00pm!! Here is my plate Over easy egg, hash browned potatoes stuffed with cheddar cheese, and half the strawberry.. And it was very sweet and nice!
  4. Rebbetzin

    First Strawberry of the Season (pix)

    Last evening we were out playing with Spartacus, and I saw something hanging from my Strawberry Wheelbarrow, and it was a perfectly ripe Stawberry!! I knew I had flowers and some little green ones, but this was a real surprise!
  5. Rebbetzin


    Oh that square mold is very pretty!!
  6. Rebbetzin

    Goat Milk Soap Making (PIX)

    Well it is not my recipe... I got it on line, and it is a combination of two sets of instructions. Let me find the links here for you... I think... I may have posted it on here before let me find the old post. Yes, here is the old post...
  7. Rebbetzin

    Goat Milk Soap Making (PIX)

    This week I made some soap from the frozen bags of milk in the freezer. Whenever the milk gets "goaty" tasting I would freeze 12 oz in a ziplock bag, the amount needed for my goat milk recipe. I made 18 lbs of Soap!! (anyhow, if I add up all the ingredients, that is what I come up with, but...
  8. Rebbetzin

    New from Louisiana

    You are in the best years of your life! Take time to really enjoy them, they go by all too quickly!
  9. Rebbetzin

    New in GA

  10. Rebbetzin

    New, soon to be from MO

    Best wishes on your homesteading. You are living my dream!
  11. Rebbetzin

    Pregnant goat questions?

    You don't say where you are, so hard to say if it is too cold for them. We don't have any heat for the goats. But then we are in Arizona. It gets down to freezing here for a few days in the winter. But the goats seem to grow nice long coats when the weather is cool. We have three does due the...
  12. Rebbetzin

    Anatolian Shepherd Pups Southern Louisiana

    On the new puppies!! You will have to do more posts before you can put up photos, I forgot!!
  13. Rebbetzin

    Bat Mitzvah Classes (PIX)

    We were very blessed tonight to have our latest Bat Mitzvah condidate read from the Torah scroll for the first time with the trop (tune). She has worked very hard to learn Hebrew and to sing it from the Torah scroll with no vowels or punctuation. It is not an easy task. We were so proud of her...
  14. Rebbetzin

    Show us your Livestock Guardians

    Those are beautiful dogs. I doubt they would like it here in Tucson. Though, my Old English Sheepdog did ok here in the summers, as long as he could be inside, laying where the air conditioning vent would blow on him!
  15. Rebbetzin

    New pets... lol

    That is a pretty pidgeon! He looks like a male to me. What are you going to do with it? Are you going to get him some friends? We have several flock so pidgeons here in our city It is fun to watch them do early morning "maneuvers" in the sky. It is like an "Air Ballet"
  16. Rebbetzin

    New To Goats!!

    Being I am in Arizona, I am really no help for you. I help milk three Nubians, they are good with kids and have lots of nice milk. But, not sure how they would do in the cold. They do great in the heat!