Pregnant goat questions?


Exploring the pasture
Feb 9, 2012
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So basically, I got 6 goats for Christmas. One of those goats being pregnant. She is due in April. I was wondering what I should be prepared for as far as birthing goes and how to look after the mama & her kids. I have read some stuff online but I wanted to get a few others opinions. She also is showing some aggressive behaviors towards the other 4 (She is buddies with none of them aside from one) goats but not to me or anyone else taking care of them.
I love animals and I suppose I worry about them but I'd rather be safe than sorry. They currently have a big space in my garage, with lots of hay and all that until we build a huge pen in my backyard. I'm also wondering if it's too cold? I had a heater but it caught fire so ever since then I've been hesitant to put another in.

Sorry for all the questions! :p


Ridin' The Range
Feb 4, 2012
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Beautiful Big Bear Mountains
ellacantcountx3 said:
So basically, I got 6 goats for Christmas. One of those goats being pregnant. She is due in April. I was wondering what I should be prepared for as far as birthing goes and how to look after the mama & her kids. I have read some stuff online but I wanted to get a few others opinions. She also is showing some aggressive behaviors towards the other 4 (She is buddies with none of them aside from one) goats but not to me or anyone else taking care of them.
I love animals and I suppose I worry about them but I'd rather be safe than sorry. They currently have a big space in my garage, with lots of hay and all that until we build a huge pen in my backyard. I'm also wondering if it's too cold? I had a heater but it caught fire so ever since then I've been hesitant to put another in.

Sorry for all the questions! :p
A lot to learn Huh, me too. The heater I would not try again though. :hide


Loving the herd life
Mar 6, 2010
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Tucson Arizona

You don't say where you are, so hard to say if it is too cold for them. We don't have any heat for the goats. But then we are in Arizona. It gets down to freezing here for a few days in the winter. But the goats seem to grow nice long coats when the weather is cool. We have three does due the first week in April. I am not an expert by any means. I have attended a few kiddings. So far, all have been pretty uneventful.

There are plenty of "old timers" here that can give you lots of information.
But I am not one of them!


True BYH Addict
Jan 7, 2011
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we are in virginia and we dont have any heat for our goats, and they go outside all day long, and some nights. Although right now, we are having baby goats, and we lock them in the barn some nights, from 10 pm until around 6 am.

They should have good hay fed to them all the time.
fresh water all the time.
and loose goat minerals, put out in a bowel or container all the time.

If any of them are growing and or need to put on weight, then you need to feed them some higher calorie feeds, such as a goat grain, or some alfalfa haya, alfalffa pellets can be substituted for the alfalfa hay, as long as you are feeding them another source of hay(grass)

Make something to feed your hay in, or put it in a couple containers, so they don't have to eat it right off the ground. I have found even putting the slabs of hay in a bucket or black rubber pan, really helps save on the hay and keeps them from eating hay off the ground.

It is normal for the one doe to bother the other goats,

They really need to go outside and have an outside area everyday, Try to get them that as soon as possible, that may help the one goats mood, but there is always a dominant goat, and when you have a bigger female that is pregnant, she is going to take advantage of it, especially in a smaller space,

Put feeding stations, out in more than one place, that may help the others.

What are your lows in your area right now? I know it has been warmer than normal for a lot of us. We will have a low of 17 and 19 this weekend.

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