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  1. shepherdO

    Ewe straining but no plug, no discharge, no sac... Just wait?

    It's worth a try... he's just so fragile that I don't want to risk him getting hurt. I think when he's able to suck on a bottle (I'm going to push that hard from now on) then we'll give him a try. I think he may have learned to be lazy b/c we just plunger it into him... time to build a sucking...
  2. shepherdO

    SUCCESS! Yes!

    Okay, so this might not seem earth-changing, but after bottle-feeding a reject triplet for the last 11 days it's good news to me! So on Saturday evening my Rambouillet Bonnie gave birth to a big dead ewe and a tiny weakling ramlamb who's just holding on by the skin of his teeth three days in...
  3. shepherdO

    Ewe straining but no plug, no discharge, no sac... Just wait?

    Hey - he's super tiny and weak - can barely stand when he's being syringed. He really just isn't getting any stronger. He'll take 100ml at a time, but he's not an eager eater, and more just accepting the food b/c he doesn't have the energy to resist... He's coming on 3 days now, so I'm hoping...
  4. shepherdO

    Is it worth saving a weak lamb?

    I just realized maybe I should have been more specific initially. I have raised one rejected tripled for the past week and a half and things are going great. Tim-Tam is healthy and drinking well, you can't tell her from her brothers, etc. The other ram lamb, however, is a real time drainer...
  5. shepherdO

    ShepherdO's First Lambing - Pics included :)

    And these are bambis twins born two days overdue last night, unassisted. They were up and dry and suckling when I went in at 1:30am. Very healthy so far and both are ewes! No names yet I forgot, the little guy above is named Jonathan. Check my other thread for the reason. I really like...
  6. shepherdO

    ShepherdO's First Lambing - Pics included :)

    Newest lambs. This is bonny the giant rambouillet x Suffolk with the tiny ram lamb that survived... Barely this is him at a couple hours old Below he is about 40 hrs old. He's grown into his wrinkles a bit! Still very lethargic though... Keep trying ..
  7. shepherdO

    Creep feed for bottle lambs 2019

    Hi all, So I have at least one bottle lamb who's currently 11 days old and doing very well on the bottle using homemade milk replacer. I'd like to get her eating something else so she can eventually be weaned earlier than normal. It's currently a few degrees below zero here during the day...
  8. shepherdO

    ShepherdO's First Lambing - Pics included :)

    Okay - so after the drama of Bonny's birth (first big lamb pulled but dead, followed by a tiny lamb I'm currently hand-feeding...) I eagerly awaited Bambi's lambing. She was due on the 2nd, but was showing no signs of heeding the gestation calculations. Yes swollen vulva, yes udder, yes kind...
  9. shepherdO

    Is it worth saving a weak lamb?

    He's coming around. Slowly. Getting a rounder tummy, but still very lifeless. No way he could nurse from a sheep right now, FAR too weak. I think I'll keep him alive, it's just hard work! I gave him to my 11 year old son for his birthday today - told him if he helped raise him (feeding him...
  10. shepherdO

    Is it worth saving a weak lamb?

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  11. shepherdO

    Ewe straining but no plug, no discharge, no sac... Just wait?

    Well, he'st still alive, and thanks to this ewe having a massive udder (at least compared to my other sheep) he's getting lots of milk. She's probably milking close to 1.5-2 liters per day, and is a REALLY easy milker. Barely kicks here and there. Anyhoo, he is VERY weak and does not really...
  12. shepherdO

    How hard should a ewe 'push' in stage 1 labour?

    I documented the ongoing saga in another thread. Basically she was just taking forever to dilate the cervix. And I mean forever. We had to pull the first of two, but it was dead on arrival, even though it was alive just a minute or two before. It was super stuck, as she was very tight...
  13. shepherdO

    Is it worth saving a weak lamb?

    He had so many wrinkles, you can tell he's part rambouillet!
  14. shepherdO

    Is it worth saving a weak lamb?

    I presume it's good for it to be up? Ie, get the muscles moving, start spreading sugars through the body etc.? He still doesn't like to drink much but I have him 10 more cc's via syringe. His appetite is up and down.
  15. shepherdO

    Is it worth saving a weak lamb?

    Wow! That worked! 10ccs of slightly diluted honey and I come in the bathroom (it's current home) 5 minutes later and he's standing! :0 Hopefully he has more energy to suck now.
  16. shepherdO

    Is it worth saving a weak lamb?

    Hmm... he doesn't look full, but he won't take any more. I gave him 5ml of slightly diluted honey (had to add a tiny bit of hot water b/c we only have the grainy kind right now...) to give him some energy. Apparently I should have done that before the colostrum... My nephew has had great...
  17. shepherdO

    Is it worth saving a weak lamb?

    Okay, so he just took about 100ml of colostrum over about 20 minutes or so. For the first time he seems to have a little belly, whereas before (and to be honest, still) he looked like a bag of bones, seriously, with huge ungainly shoulders and hips that don't seem to be attached by anything...
  18. shepherdO

    Is it worth saving a weak lamb?

    Okay so she's a great milker - I stanchioned her and milked about 600-650 ml from her, so at this point I've gotten about 850-900 ml I'm guessing...? The little lamb had the first 200 or so lat 3:30 and 6:00, and now I'm going to feed it every hour or so with the new colostrum. just now he had...
  19. shepherdO

    Is it worth saving a weak lamb?

    Here goes nothing. I'm going to build a permanent stanchion and milk o out the ewe until the baby is old and strong enough to drink of h his own volition. Let's set for that goes!
  20. shepherdO

    Is it worth saving a weak lamb?

    Here's a pic. He looks a little better now... Holding head up. Etc. I hope I'm not wasting this colostrum ..