Mini Horses
Herd Master
Here goes nothing. I'm going to build a permanent stanchion and milk o out the ewe until the baby is old and strong enough to drink of h his own volition. Let's set for that goes!
I have goats but, last yr one had trips, not her usual twins. First two quickly, up & nursed. Then, after about a 20 min pause, #3 came along. Mom cleaned her but would NOT let her nurse. I milked out colostrum and gave it to the little doe kid (yes, way smaller than first two. also black spotted, not white like others). anyhow -- Doe did all motherly care for #3, except feed her.

She was given only moms milk -- knowing they smell them - but, not letting her nurse. I could hold her by collar & place Peanut at teat, she would nurse but, soon as I let turned and walked!
Nine months later, mom and Peanut & Sugar (the 2nd doeling, sold buckling) all sleep, eat & poop together -- perfect family. She grew nicely, had only moms milk.....odd. BUT so glad I co-parented and save that kid!
I hope things go well for yours.